20 Sor Studies (Segovia)

Derek  jokingly indicated to me that it almost seems like I am doing all of Sor's studies. That put the idea in my head - why not try to do all twenty in Segovia's collection? I am a little intimidated by the difficulty of the later ones, but we'll see how far I can get. Who knows, this project might take me several years (decades?) and, by then, maybe my technique will have improved! 😊 (Since I'm not getting any younger, the reverse may be more likely.)

I am mostly using the edition that Tariq Harb has attached to his video lessons on the studies, found here on TB, of course. A copy of it is attached here.

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  • Study 8 Walkthrough (December 22, 2021)

    Here I'm doing another "walk and talk" through the piece. This one is a significant step up in difficulty for me, particularly the B section. I'm still undecided on a few fingerings. I'm looking at Sor's, Segovia's, and David Grimes' fingerings. I'll probably end up mixing and matching, and maybe throwing in a few of my own.

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    • Eric Phillips thank you Eric. This is a great submission. It’s a favorite Sor etude for me. I will send my fingering when I’m back. I put the melody in thirds first in deciding about the many possibilities . You showed all the options, very useful to share this process. Bravo!

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    • joosje I just remembered that there is a tutorial of this piece on TB, so I will have to go watch it!

  • Study 8 December 23, 2021

    Here I am doing a very slow performance, with very little musicality. The purpose is to work on the challenging fingering, especially in the B section.

      • ivan paolonull
      • amateur guitarist
      • ivan_paolo
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips This is a challeging piece not only for part B. M° Flavio Sala on YT, reccomended attention to the thumb melody, as in precedent study n. 4, wich requires the thumb to block every resonances, respecting the duration of the pauses on the 4th and 5th string.

      It is also necessary to keep the barré in the second bar of the 2nd part to maintain the duration of the G and in the forth bar to mantain the A. (As written).

      In the Segovia version every choise has his musical and tecnical goal.

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips This is great Eric. You have a good feel for Sor and the Classical / Romantic repertoire. I have been buried in trying to learn Bach's 'Jesus ' piece for the watch party (couldn't get it down) so I have been out of touch for several days. It seems you have managed to record Sor's entire output in that time. Impressive work.

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    • Jack Stewart Thanks, Jack! I haven’t quite gotten to all of Sor’s music, but I’ll get there! 😀

  • Study 8 measures 10-17 slow practice

    I'm coming back to this study after a few days break. The middle section is still very hard for me to execute, so I am going to slow it WAY down until I can do it cleanly and consistently. Then I will try creeping up the speed (at least that's the plan 😀👍).

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