Week 1: Setting Sails! ⛵

Welcome to the Main Thread for the first  week of the "Music YOU Love" practice challenge! 

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  • Ok let's open the challenge with a piece of Roque Carbajo I recorded a few months ago, a French Canadian composer that lives not that far from me. Here's «Fleur de Lotus» from «12 Miniatures».

    I quickly wanted to test out Augustine Regal strings...

    Like 14
    • Blaise Laflamme That was great, Blaise! I love the tone colors you gave us in there. I hope we get to hear more of those miniatures from you. Great start to the challenge!

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    • Eric Phillips Thank you Eric! I'll see if I can record a few others from those, but at the moment I'm collaborating on other stuff with him, his «Quebec Suite» where I have 2 titles recorded out of 10 on his YT Channel, I also have a playlist on my own channel for this if you want to check out. But in this challenge I want to share a few other composers from here! 

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme That was really nice, Blaise. I have never heard of this composer. Welled played! It is always great to hear your performances.

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    • Jack Stewart Thank you Jack, I'm happy if I made you discover a composer! I'll post from other less-known composers from here over the challenge, and particularly one I discovered last year.

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    • Blaise Laflamme so beautiful. What a pleasure to listen to this recording.

      12 miniatures-  food for another challenge?

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    • joosje Thank you Joosje, they are very approchable and not that hard to learn and play. If that would be of interest for a challenge I would have to ask the composer if we can have a kind of arrangement for the score.

    • Blaise Laflamme  Beautiful sound, well played. Love the punchy solid sound of your guitar. 

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    • Michael Shirk Thank you Michael, for sure a Spruce top combined with Regal strings provide punchiness! 

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    • Blaise Laflamme very nice performance Blaise, as always; it is almost a guanrantee for a joy to watch everytime you play! Crisp and clear and great tone! 

      Hope you don't mind a side question. What are your MICs model? I have the entry Sennheiser MK4 pair, they are a bit slow on the transient and a bit two warm and lack a bit of details. I want to achieve a more detailed sound, faster transient response; so I thinking of upgrading my MICs.

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    • Khiem Nguyen Thank you Khiem, I'm happy you like it! For microphones on this take I was using a pair of Neumann KM184, and I like to combine a third one with a large diaphragm when I can, then I use a Neumann TLM102. I also get good results with Martin's recommendation of Line Audio CM4, very good for the price. Pro mics are not cheap and I had not the chance to try a lot of them like Gefell, DPA and Schoeps. I suspect with any of them you get amazing results as long as you know how to use them.

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    • Blaise Laflamme sounds good, and I like the music, never heard of that composer so thank you for letting me know and unnessesary to say that your playing is sooo fine

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    • Blaise Laflamme Thank you very much Blaise for sharing your experience with Microphones. I have just looked at Line CM4 following your advice. They have very attractive price and the datasheet show a very flat frequency response all over a wide range of frequency - very tempting! I think I would like to try it. The Neumann KM184 is way over my budget for the moment. 

    • Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz Thank you Stefanie, I hope to help you discover a few more over the challenge. Thank you for the kind words 🙏

    • Khiem Nguyen yeah the CM4 are very attractive and decent, I also bought their omni variant named OM1. Well, the KM184 were the cheapest among a short list I had and by this time last year almost any mics were not available here, then I selected a «safe» choice with a great resell value in case I would not have been satisfied, but I am 👍

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    • Blaise Laflamme Excellent, Blaise. I was checking out his site and he's written some really nice pieces. I'll have to go through some more of it. 

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    • Steve Price Thank you Steve, you can access his YT channel and listen to many of his works.

    • Blaise Laflamme Really nice piece and played with sensitivity and musicality.  I look forward to hearing more pieces from this series or whatever other pieces you choose.  Thank you.

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    • Tomas Rodriguez Thank you Tomas 🙏 I'm not sure I'll post more of this series but I have some more Canadian composers I'd like to share for sure.

    • Blaise Laflamme What a wonderful performance Blaise!  Lovely piece, great colors, beautiful sound!

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    • Marilyn Blodget Thank you Marilyn, it's a quick and short piece like the other miniatures of the series. Do you intend to participate in the challenge?

    • Blaise Laflamme Yes!  I’ve been watching the Koyunbaba lessons that Martin recently recorded with Ariello Desiderio.  Not ready to record yet.  I may post some other pieces I’ve been working on. World Music is a pretty broad umbrella!

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    • Marilyn Blodget Oh, that would be great to hear you play, Marilyn! (No pressure, though 😀)

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Great, Blaise! As said Eric, the tone colors are unique, and your expression is beautiful. Thank you to present to me the Roque Carbajo music! Regards!

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    • Moyses Lopes Thank you Moyses, there's a lot to listent to on his YT channel.

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