Week 3: Waltzes and Whirls 

Welcome to the Main Thread for the third week of "Song and Dance" practice challenge!
Choose a piece that is inspired or transcribed from a song or a dance. It could be a lively south-american danza, a passionate tango, a serene romantic lied, or a poignant aria transcribed for the guitar. You're welcome to explore pieces from unfamiliar composers or challenge yourself with a complex work.
Commit to daily practice and share your journey with the community. Aim to practice every day and upload at least two videos each week to illustrate your progress. This will not only help you stay committed and encouraged but will also allow you to share your musical voyage with our tonebase family.
Share your favorite piece or recording that embodies the theme of "Song and Dance." Your submission will serve as an inspiration to others and create a vibrant pool of potential pieces for other members to delve into.
↓ Happy Sharing! ↓
Gymnopedie No 1 section 1
Apparently it means an annual festival where man dance unarmed and naked. But doesn't sound like a happy festival if Satie had this mind when he composed it.
I just got this music. It's arranged by Christopher Parkening from his Parkening and the guitar. It seems pretty straight forward enough for me to get to the first section pretty quickly.
Sor – Andantino Op 32 No 1
Okay, this is a bit of a stretch in terms of fitting this challenge. I always like to be working on something by Sor. I just finished up Op 47, so now I’d like to move on to Op 32.
My musical goal in this opus will be to play the rhythms accurately, crisply, and gracefully. Each piece in this set of six little pieces seems to have some rhythmic challenges in it. In this Andantino, Sor does something very typical of his style. He adds these little flourishes to an otherwise very simple piece. Each flourish is a little bit different, and poses a separate technical challenge.
The score is attached if you care to follow along.