Group 2

This Two Week Intensives will cover the essential techniques of staccato, portato, and legato for guitar players. Staccato involves playing notes in a short, detached manner, while legato involves playing notes smoothly and connected. Portato is a style that falls between staccato and legato, with slightly detached but still connected notes. The class will also delve into the development of left-hand technique that you need for proper articulation!

Sanel Redžić is one of the most promising and virtuoso guitarists of the younger
generation, who has created an important name on the international scene, having a wide
repertoire from baroque to modern music.

Sanel currently teaches at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Weimar and at
the University of Erfurt in Germany. He is also artistic director and founder of Tuzla Guitar
Week in Bosnia-Herzegovina.


  •  Scales (major with parallel melodic minor scares)
  • Leo Brouwer - Etude Nr. 1
  • Agustin Barrios - Mangore - 3rd movement of La Catedral
  • Fernando Sor - Etude Op. 35, No. 22 (Segovia No. 5)
  • Any other example by participants 

Assignment Videos

I compiled a playlist with 5 Videos! More Videos will come :)

  • Video 1: Intro
  • Video 2: C Major scale with i-m
  • Video 3: C Major scale with p
  • Video 4: Arpeggios
  • Video 5: Brouwer no.1


  • Submit a video containing either one or several of the exercises. For example, start with a simple C major scale playing once as legato as possible, repeat with portamento and then one last time with staccato. Please tell us what articulation you were aiming for!
  • Feel free to apply the learnings to either Brouwer Etude no.1 or your own  repertoire!

Feel free to ask questions in a written reply and/or add them to your video! 


Assignment Week 2:

  • Read and play through the piece provided by Sanel and play the basses staccato and the upper voices legato!


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  • Hi Mates.


    Here it is Exercise corresponding to Video 3.


    Cmajor scale using p, ascending - legato, descending - portatmento , ascending - staccato. 


    Please feel free to share your feedback !


    Like 1
    • David Gimenez 


      Great! You welcome! 

  • Hello Sanel Redzic

    This is the first exercise using c major scale with i-m. 

    Like 2
    • Raul Guzman Vidal Very good. I like your legato and portamento. When doing staccato try to keep the pulse and to play each note same short. You can stop the lower strings with the p when playing upwards and with the a finger going backwards. 

      Like 2
    • Sanel Redzic Thank you for the suggestion. This technique you recommend makes more sense to me now.

  • Hello Sanel Redzic this is the second exercise corresponding to video 3. I have a question about the 4th video when playing the arpeggio with two bases. ¿Is the second base played at the same time as m or between m and a finger?

    Like 1
    • Raul Guzman Vidal Great! The second bass should be played together with the m finger. 

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  • Hello Sanel and Group 2 -


    This is a very helpful TWI for me. I had not considered articulation to be part of musical expression, but this has really expanded my understanding.  I played in a local open mic this past week and I was able to apply some changes in articulation to my pieces and I feel it went well. 


    In my video I performed the C Major Scale with i-m alternation with legato, portato and staccato. I also did a short segment of Carlevaro arpeggios. Using the thumb here for bass stopping is a new addition to these exercises for me and it is still lacking accuracy. 


    I have not been successful applying bass stopping in my repertoire and I think adding the thumb exercises will help me with thumb control. I know I am playing very slow. Feedback is welcome!

    Like 2
    • Good Martha Kreipke , 

      keep on working on it. Try to stop the other notes or resonances while playing stacc. the scale. I can hear sometimes some extra notes, which should be not there. :-) 

    • martinTeam
    • LIVE
    • martin.3
    • 2 yrs ago
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    articulation 4

    Please find the Link for the Zoom Check-In here:

    We will meet on Monday, January 23rd at 11 am PT

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    • Derek
    • Derek
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi Sanel

    I'm enjoying these exercises. Still struggling a bit with the Brouwer etude but that is because I am really focussing on the tecnique of stopping the strings and then forgetting what notes to play.

    Here are a couple of videos, the C major scale, and the first part of a Rondeau by Purcell (actually guitar part 1 of a guitar quartet version) with legato followed by portato.


    Recorded at 7am!

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    • martinTeam
    • LIVE
    • martin.3
    • 2 yrs ago
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    • martin I was not able to attend the check-in when it was live.  The replay was very helpful. I especially appreciated the final summary to take what is useful to incorporate in developing our unique approach. And for me there is so much that is useful! Thank you.

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    • Derek
    • Derek
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi Sanel. Dance of the Dwarf's is tricky! I've been concentrating on the first couple of lines. I find that my right hand position drops lower than normal when playing the bass staccato. I've attached a video of the current status. I'll keep practising this but I don't think that I'll get chance to do another video this week. Thanks for this two week intensive. It's proving to be very useful. 

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    • Hi Derek , 

      thank you for your video. Yes, it is very tricky but I am glad to hear that it was helpful. You are welcome! Keep on working on this one. :-) Good luck with making the music and hope to see you again. 

  • Dear guitarists and colleagues! 

    I hope that you had two interesting and creative weeks with the topic, which I selected for you and for this opportunity. For me that was very interesting to meet you all and to chat/work with you in this period. I hope that you will think more about the importance of Articulation in the future and that you will apply those things/tools and ideas in the pieces that you will work on in the future. I wish you all the best and hope to see you soon again! Here or in person. 

    All the best! 

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