Guess the Composer
Is anyone up for a little fun?
Give a listen to the five videos posted above. There is one from each of these early 19th century composers (in alphabetical order):
- Dionisio Aguado
- Matteo Carcassi
- Ferdinando Carulli
- Mauro Giuliani
- Fernando Sor
Can you figure out who wrote each piece? And, which one is your favorite?
I will wait for responses for a few days before I reveal the answers. Just to make it more challenging, don’t read anyone else’s replies until you write yours.
Happy guessing!
What a nice way to start my week. Very nice concert. Many thanks Eric Phillips
As you can imagine I have no clues about the composers for these lovely pieces. However I decided to ask for help from my friend ''Google''. Here are the results:
1- Can not recognize the piece
2- Allegro Moderato - Kazutaka Ogawa
This is not the same but surprisingly similar
3- Can not recognize the piece
4- Andantino in C major - Jonathon Shields
Again, similar but not the same
5- Can not recognize the piece
Well if google with all their data can't recognize the pieces I don't feel too bad.
Thanks again Eric. This was an interesting listening and exercise
Giuseppe Gasparini Blaise Laflamme Andre Bernier David Krupka
Well, my little guessing game didn't seem to catch on too much, so here are the answers.
- Video A: Giuliani Andantino Op 40 No 23
- Video B: Aguado Study 12 from Método de Guitarra
- Video C: Sor Menuetto Op 2 No 1
- Video D: Carcassi Andantino Grazioso Op 59 No 1
- Video E: Carulli Moderato Op 333 No 1
Both Blaise and David got them all correct. They really know their early 19th century guitar composers!
And their prize is ... FREE ICE CREAM!!!!!!
Well, not real ice cream, but a really nice ice cream emoji! One for each of you.
Here you go: