IV. Critical Listening // FEB 1st
My fellow audio and recording nerds, here are the audio files for the assignment from workbook #4! These are 6 recordings from my bed room, edited mixed and finalized, but - dang it ! - something is wrong with each of them!
Use your ears, use the analyzing tools we've looked at and let me know if you have any questions! Have fun with these recordings!
By the way, I have all those recordings on my YouTube-Channel in reference quality, so if you want to compare the original files with the faulty ones, feel free to do so!
Here's the link to the Google Drive Folder:
Hey y'all, I hope you had fun so far recording, editing and mixing your very own tracks! We've come a long way, so in this lesson we will talk about how to objectively judge our recordings and compare them to commercial releases!
Please use this thread if you have any questions concerning the workbook or general questions concerning Critical Listening!
Click here to access Session 4: Critical Listening // Feb 1st (Live!)
Find the other sessions here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Download the fourth workbook here
I will post the answers to the questionnaire on Feb 7th!
After the live stream, submit your assignments by replying to this thread!
Timestamps by Philip
5:00 - Denoiser.
14:58 - On natural acoustics.
22:48 - Recap from session 3.
42:20 - Martin's headphones frequency response.
45:22 - Frequency response of smart-phone devices
48:04 - Frequency response of Adam Audio speakers.
49:00 - Room modes.
52:00 - Measuring the room to find problematic frequencies.
56:35 - Trikustik.
58:25 - Question on Adam A5X Speakers.
1:01:25 - Playing 80 hertz.
1:02:44 - Olli
1:05:49 - Best use of whatever room we have: Position of guitar? Position of mic?
1:06:05 - Humans have highest sensitive at around 3-4kHz.
1:07:36 - Is there a way to tell if your room needs treatment?
1:11:25 - Giuseppes Waltz.
1:24:55 - Olli’s Harfenetude with Gonimeter.
1:35:25 - Can you produce stereo recording if you use a guitar with built-in plug in pickup?
1:36:42 - Spectrograph.
1:44:31 - Measurement tool. Using a boxy recording from David Robinson. Threnody first version.
1:54:43 - Bob Katz frequency chart (https://audiophilestyle.com/s3/article-images/2017/0615/8.jpg)
1:57:24 - Position of OTRF, Blumlein and Mid-Side. (Neumann Recording Angle Calculator app)
2:04:56 - Uli's song of India.
2:12:51 - Martin can evaluate our recordings after the academy is over.
2:14:10 - Andres Iparraguirre's recording of Lagrima.
2:19:43 - Klangbild recording by Rick Akney.
2:26:46 - On the compressor.
2:31:30 - Mic position w/Anders Skadborg.
2:35:16 - Proximity effect.
2:37:00 - Lensing effect and phantom image (2:46:51).
2:42:42 - Ribbon microphone.
2:58:00 - Jasmine’s dual recording (worth a re-listen!)
My fellow audio and recording nerds, here are the audio files for the assignment from workbook #4!
These are 6 recordings from my bed room, edited mixed and finalized, but - dang it ! - something is wrong with each of them!
Use your ears, use the analyzing tools we've looked at and let me know if you have any questions! Have fun with these recordings!
By the way, I have all those recordings on my YouTube-Channel in reference quality, so if you want to compare the original files with the faulty ones, feel free to do so!
Here's the link to the Google Drive Folder:
01 Valseana - Sergio Assad = Low Cut 200Hz
02 Cancion Triste - Carlos Farinas = right Channel mid Cut (could be interpreted as wrongly panned since the bandlock filter was quite intense!)
03 Hommage a Tchaikovsky - Joaquin Clerch = Faulty Compressor
04 Lento - Dusan Bogdanovic = Mono
05 Un Dia de Noviembre - Leo Brouwer = phase decorrelated
06 Alma - Simone Ianarelli = High Cut 9khz
david robinson Derek Gokce Turkmendag Rick Ankney Barry van de GraafThank you for getting back on that listening assignment, you did a fantastic job!
martin Dear Martin, thank you so much for your recording-Workshop. I watched the last three live-streams and they were awesome. No, at the point where it comes to the whole editing-stuff, maybe i will try to go an old fashioned way. I love the "old" recordings or should i say, the recordings done in analog times. Julian Bream mentioned his old Chappel where he can do fine recordings
In our little town we have an old and tiny Church/Chappel, first mentioned in 1200 and rebuild in 1600. ( By the way, in the church sounds an original and completely restored "Gebrüder-Ratzmann-Orgel" originally build in 1890 ). The acoustic in the church is very lovely - and i have my own door-Key
. The digital reverb ( that is included in Reaper ) sounds maybe a little bit unreal ?
Question: When doing recordings at places with great natural acoustics, what do we need to do afterwards ? Using two ribbons and that`s it ? Do we need additional "Room-Mics" ?
What is the minimum edit that has to be done ? ( except doing some different takes, let magical paste and copy happen, maybe equalize and normalize...)
Thank you very much.
Best Regards
Dear Martin
So sorry I forgot to upload the file I prepared after the meeting last week. Here it is. I think I should have added screen shots but am now running out of time before our meeting. I find it all bit unsubtle. I added as we discussed, compression, eq, reverb in its own bus and finally I normalised.
Looking forward to the session tonight. By the way this is the simple Giuliani recording.
For a bit of fun I also used your techniques with a little less subtlety on a virtual jam session I run weekly where I mix contributions. This was Estate ( a bossa tune) and I have downloaded it here and I found your advice from last week invaluable in this recording.
Hi Martin,
Thank´s for the kind Words:) Here is some additional Info: Reverb Plugin: https://impulserecord.com/convology-xt/ Responses: https://impulserecord.com/project/convology-famous-halls-and-churches-collection/ . Great collection and far more affordable than Altiverb. You can buy only the Responses you need, and get the Plug for free. EQ an Comp. i use the Reaper plugs. Great Workshop, learned alot so far..
As promised here are the time stamps (approx.)
5:00 - Denoiser.
14:58 - On natural acoustics.
22:48 - Recap from session 3.
42:20 - Martin's headphones frequency response.
45:22 - Frequency response of smart-phone devices
48:04 - Frequency response of Adam Audio speakers.
49:00 - Room modes.
52:00 - Measuring the room to find problematic frequencies.
56:35 - Trikustik.
58:25 - Question on Adam A5X Speakers.
1:01:25 - Playing 80 hertz.
1:02:44 - Olli
1:05:49 - Best use of whatever room we have: Position of guitar? Position of mic?
1:06:05 - Humans have highest sensitive at around 3-4kHz.
1:07:36 - Is there a way to tell if your room needs treatment?
1:11:25 - Giuseppes Waltz.
1:24:55 - Olli’s Harfenetude with Gonimeter.
1:35:25 - Can you produce stereo recording if you use a guitar with built-in plug in pickup?
1:36:42 - Spectrograph.
1:44:31 - Measurement tool. Using a boxy recording from David Robinson. Threnody first version.
1:54:43 - Bob Katz frequency chart (https://audiophilestyle.com/s3/article-images/2017/0615/8.jpg)
1:57:24 - Position of OTRF, Blumlein and Mid-Side. (Neumann Recording Angle Calculator app)
2:04:56 - Uli's song of India.
2:12:51 - Martin can evaluate our recordings after the academy is over.
2:14:10 - Andres Iparraguirre's recording of Lagrima.
2:19:43 - Klangbild recording by Rick Akney.
2:26:46 - On the compressor.
2:31:30 - Mic position w/Anders Skadborg.
2:35:16 - Proximity effect.
2:37:00 - Lensing effect and phantom image (2:46:51).
2:42:42 - Ribbon microphone.
2:58:00 - Jasmine’s dual recording (worth a re-listen!)
hi martin
thank you for nice comments about my mic position and my sound.
At the time of my recording my middle finger nail was just broken all the way down so I have very very short or no nails on these recordings
I have just seen this episode today do to work in far away from home.
Just to confirm you are right my raw recording is completely raw. The mics are a little closer than normal but maybe 40 to 50 centimeters. We talked about it last week when I asked about the cm4 mics compared to km184 or the AKG414.
and yes the 1007 is as you said just normalized in reaper.
I also agree there are to much reverb on the recording but luckily I have a raw recording
My interface is a Sound Devices mixpre 3ii and it’s really really good and I’m sure it’s also have a big influence on the sound. But as I’m sure you know it’s not a cheap interface for some silly home recordings but sometimes things are worth every penny
once again thank you for a very nice and informative course.
thumbs up for you and tonebase.