Group 3

Breaking Your Scale Speed Limits with Eduardo Inestal!

Virtuosity and speed go hand in hand when it comes to freeing your musical expressiveness from technical limitations. One key element in classical guitar performance is the ability to play fast scales with ease. Together, we will explore exercises that will enable you to push your speed limits and improve your scale skills while retaining relaxation in both hands and gaining a richer tool set to express your musical ideas.

  • Sign-Up Period: August 11 - 14
  • Course Period: August 15 - 26
  • Class Size: 4 Groups á 10 Participants
  • Optional check-In via Zoom: August 23, 11 am PST

Assignment for the first week:

Play the first exercise (Slow) while paying attention to the following:

  • Keep the tempo
  • Always alternate i-m
  • Be "lazy” (move your fingers, both right and left hand, and yourself as less as possible) to keep the relaxation

Do the same with the 2nd exercise (Faster tempo)

Once you control this exercise, you can gradually choose your tempo, increasing the bpm. Pay attention not to lose your relaxation!

Have fun!

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    Exercise No. 4 by Eduardo!


    1) keep the tempo

    2) Be as "lazy" as possible (move your fingers (an also your body) as less as possible).

    3) increase the tempo gradually.

    Start with 50 bmp and speed it up till 100 bpm Submit 2 videos with both tempos (slow and fast)

    scales group 3

  • I was not lazy today, and the weekend will be very busy, so, here is already my first attack of ex#4  (50 feels very slow - 100 not really fast). In the second take I changed the rhythm alternation (6 down, 4 up). For fun…🙂

    I am looking forward to your comment on how my R hand is moving along the strings (towards the thumb). I noticed it moves more than thought I was doing. (So good to record technical practice sessions.)

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    • joosje Very funny, your fast version is actually much better than the slow one, which is a bit worrying. You have to be able to master both!!!

      Ex 4 fast: nothing to say, just terrific. I dont really hear the change on the accents. You can exagerate it more if you want. But you are ready for playing this ex. with dynamic involve. Try diferent ones. 

      Ex 4 slow: You are right, your RH moves far too much. Remember we have to move only our fingers from the phalanx, so there is not hand mov involve whatsoever.  Try to master it!!

    • Eduardo Inestal thank you. I’m working on this. Great training. We are so grateful to you for prolonging the intensive . Making progress takes time!

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    • martin Eduardo Inestal  thank you for this ‘2-week’ intensive. Thank you Eduardo for your valuable comments. I will continue to practice (with metronome) and follow the guidance you provided. 

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  • Hello Eduardo and everybody,
    Exercise 4 at 50 and 100 bpm. More difficult for me in the descending version.
    Even the small movement of one fret is sometimes imprecise and a bit nervous.
    I tried to work on the relaxation.
    Thank you very much for your help.

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    • GALAIS Olivier Olivier!! Awesome job!!! Fantastic

      there is no much to say, really. Both, slow and fast are crystal clear. Great sync and precise.

      If you feel stressed on your face, another suggestion (besides pencil in your mouth). Try to sing every note (just pa pa pa pa, papapapa, etc). It should help you with your breathing and your tension. Let me know if it works for you.

  • Hello Eduardo and hello to all,
    Thank you very much for the previous feedbacks, very instructive. The fact of saying the notes seems to me effective for the relaxation, I work there.
    Here are the videos of exercise 4. I am working on 76 to the eighth note and then to the sixteenth note.
    This is my maximum tempo today, after that I lose control. However I think that a good guitarist should be able to play at 120... this goal seems to me very far.
    Thanks again.

    • GALAIS Olivier Hi Oliver. Sorry for answering so late. somehow I havent see it before. It sounds amazing!! great coordination and sync! (only at the beggining of the slow one, rhytm was a bit unstable. listen the metronome a bit more before you start and sing in your head the rythm. 

      Otherwise, great job. Now try to integrate dinamic and direcction whilst playing it!!!

  • Hello and thank you very much
    I learned a lot and I have a new basis to work with.
    It's a great pleasure to be able to exchange with you.

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