The Practice Diary!

This link will bring you to the Practice Diary! (← click!)

  1. To create your own Practice Diary, click on the "What do you Practice?" button:
  2. Then simply create your personal practice diary with a title, some text about your connection with that piece, why you want to play it and what you are currently practicing in that piece! 
  3. If you like, add a video or an audio file to your diary to let us see you current state and ultimately your phenomenal progress!
  4. After some days of practice, simply reply to your post as you would've normally reply to a post in the forum via "Reply to topic"
  5.  Don't forget to check out other people's practice diaries, inspire, motivate and cheer for each other to get the best out of that challenge!
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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
  • 107Views
  • 1 Following


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