FINAL Composition Challenge MASTER SHEET! Get all sheet music here.

Hello everyone! 🥂

As promised during our watch party, I've taken the liberty to compile all your submissions from all threads in the composition challenge into a single thread.


My intention was to use the latest version of all pieces you've submitted. If I've made any kind of mistake (either the version I included was not final, or you've made changes post-challenge, or I've simply messed up any of the links), please contact me!


Feel free to reply to this thread with any corrections or email them to me at [email protected] .

Alright, here we go!

  • Marek Tabisz (May 1): Gloomy Habanera - PDF 
  • Ron (April 23): Dance of the Firecrests - PDF
  • Derek (April 19): Panter's Paradise - PDF | MIDI
  • Roni Glaser (April 19): Lullaby - PDF | REC
  • david robinson (April 19): Theme and Variations - PDFREC
  • Barney (April 19): Medieval Spain Sketch - PDF | REC
  • Jaime Zaldua (April 19): A Wandering Mind - PDF | SIBELIUS
  • Igor (April 19): Homage to Weiss - PDF | REC
  • Emma (April 19): Martina's Lullaby - PDF | REC
  • Eric (April 19): The Pasta Aisle - PDF | MIDI | REC
  • Blaise Laflamme  (April 19): Nocturnus Gravis - PDF | REC
  • Blaise Laflamme  (April 19): Toccatina Chromati - PDF | REC
  • Blaise Laflamme  arr. Philip (April 19): Toccatina Chromati - PDF
  • Blaise Laflamme  (April 19): tonebase Sketches - PDF
  • Jack Stewart (April 19): Etude 1 - Hommage a Stravinsky - PDF | MUSESCORE | REC
  • Jack Stewart (April 19): Etude 1 - Hommage a Stravinsky (alternate) - PDF | MUSESCORE
  • Roni Glaser (April 12): Variations Sobre La Follada - PDF | REC
  • Marek Tabisz (April 12): Mysterious Tango - PDF | MIDI
  • Marek Tabisz (April 12): Lullaby and Dance - PDF | MIDI
  • Gokce Turkmendag (April 12): Rondo - REC
  • Debbie (April 12): Lullaby on Elm Street - PDF | SIBELIUS | MIDI
  • Thomas (April 12): Melancholic Waltz - PDF | MUSESCORE
  • Igor (April 12): Pirita Klooster - PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | REC
  • david robinson (April 12): Winter - PDF
  • joosje (April 12): Barcarole - PDF
  • Khiem Nguyen (April 12): Little Dancing Piece - PDF
  • Khiem Nguyen (April 12): Lindya - PDF | REC
  • Vilio Celli (April 5): Only You - PDF
  • Marek Tabisz (April 5): Wlazl Kotek Na Plotek - PDF

  • Marek Tabisz (April 5): Bossa for Lazy Man - PDF | MIDI

  • Roni Glaser arr. Marek Tabisz (April 5): Arisings and Passings - PDF | REC

  • joosje (April 5): Seven Note Theme - PDF 

  • Blaise Laflamme (April 5): Phrygis Fugatum - PDF | REC

  • Debbie (April 5): Honey Blossoms - PDFREC

  • José Espírito Santo (April 5): Reharmonization (Baden) - PDF 

  • Ron (April 5): Exercise 2.3 - PDF | MIDI

  • Gokce Turkmendag (April 5): Weirdo - REC

  • Eric (April 5): Tonebase Composition Workshop - PDF | MIDI

  • Eric (April 5): Soarin with Sor - PDF | MIDI

  • Thomas (April 5): Two Themes - PDF | Notation

  • joosje (April 5): Carcassi Got Lost - PDF

  • Randy (March 29): Missing Study 3.5 - PDF | REC

  • Philip (March 29): Choral ala Bach - PDF | MIDI

  • Gokce Turkmendag (March 29): Imitation of Matteo Carcassi op. 60 no. 6 - REC

  • Vilio Celli (March 29): Tarrega-Inspired Etude - REC

  • Roni Glaser (March 29): A Little Bit in Twilight (Ash's Piece) - PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | REC

  • Stephen Holland (March 29): Ball Game and Carcassi - REC

  • Jaime Zaldua (March 29): Estudio Perdido - SIBELIUS | REC

  • Derek (March 29): Study no. 1 - PDF | MIDI

  • Debbie (March 29): Brouwer's Lost Etude V.1 - Debacle in D Minor - PDF | REC

  • Emma (March 29): Giuliani's Study 13.5 op. 50 - PDF | REC

  • Blaise Laflamme (March 29): Choralis Quintus - PDF | REC

  • Eric (March 29): Crocodile Tears - PDF

  • Ron (March 29): Lost Etude No. 1 - PDF | MIDI

  • Marek Tabisz (March 29): Carcassi Op. 60 No. 16 Imitation - PDF | REC

  • José Espírito Santo (March 29): Composition Exercise 1 - PDF | MIDI

Last updated: May 3rd, 2021

Alright everyone, this is it for now! Please let me know about any mistakes.


Thank you so much, Ashley (Ash) Lucero , for hosting this and enabling these beautiful works to come into existence!


And thank you very much to all participants - congratulations on your great work!

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    • Debbie
    • Debbie
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi Mircea, thanks for doing this! Please notice that in week two I posted about Honey Blossoms twice. The second time includes the sound file I recorded and added during the same week. 

    Like 1
      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Debbie oh I see you have it. It’s just labeled MIDI instead of REC

      Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Debbie Oh, I'm so sorry, Debbie! Fixed it 😎 

      Like 1
      • Debbie
      • Debbie
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Mircea thanks Mircea! No worries at all. Ashley didn’t see it either which is why she had you play it for the watch party but that was actually a huge treat! 😄

      Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Debbie I see 😄 happy you enjoyed my playing! 

  • Mircea  Thank you for doing this burden, this is great to have all of them listed this way!

    Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme My pleasure, Blaise!

    • Ronnull
    • Ron.3
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Many thanks for this Mircea - I think you have the latest version although I did find some fingering mistakes that I made! I will check this week and update you if necessary

    Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ron Thank you Ron!

  • That's great MirceaThanks for your effort, you must have spent a lot of time for collecting all these submissions. 

    Like 2
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gokce Turkmendag I will be honest with you, it took a few more hours than I expected it to 😄 but I'm so glad it's done, I really wanted to have a central place for all your beautiful compositions!

      Like 2
    • igorTeam
    • Co-Founder
    • IGor.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Wow!! This is amazing you guys!! 

    Like 2
    • Marek Tabisznull
    • retired guitar teacher
    • Marek_Tabisz
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Mircea I am sending the correct version of Roni's Arisings and Passings (without engraving mistake in bar 12) and slightly corrected my Lullaby and Dance (in one file - midi and recordings may be stay without changes). So, version of Lullaby as separate position is redundant.

    Like 1
      • Marek Tabisznull
      • retired guitar teacher
      • Marek_Tabisz
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view
      • Roni Glasernull
      • Classical guitarist and composer
      • roniglaser
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Marek Tabisz Ooh, thanks Marek!

      Like 1
      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Marek Tabisz Thank you so much, Marek! Will add this to the master list very soon!

      Edit: And done! Deleted the separate Lullaby, uploaded the new Lullaby and Dance and your arrangement of Roni's Arisings and Passings 👍

      Like 1
    • Jack Stewart
    • Retired
    • Jack_Stewart
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for doing this Mircea. This is great. I hope to have a recording of playing my etude (this week?). I will post here whenever I get it.

    Like 2
    • Jack Stewart
    • Retired
    • Jack_Stewart
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I have finally made a video of my Etude 1 Hommage a Stravinsky. It is pretty rough but it is mostly intact (well.... sort of) If I make a more refined version I'll post it. I made a few (minor) changes so I included an updated score as well. I am very grateful to Ashley, Mircea and the Challenge community for your encouragement. It has really meant a lot to me.

      • Roni Glasernull
      • Classical guitarist and composer
      • roniglaser
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Jack Stewart Bravooo!!!! Thanks so much for sharing this! I enjoyed it very much.

      Must have been a fair amount of work all in all?!

    • Jack Stewart Bravo! 🎉

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Roni Glaser Thanks Roni - it took me this long just to be able do what I did. It still has a long way to go but I now know I will be able to play it at some point.

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Blaise Laflamme Thanks Blaise. You produced so many great pieces and played them very well and this is the only piece I have. 

      Like 1
    • Jack Stewart haha yeah... but mine were simple and easy to play... I should give a try at yours, but it'll take me more time... great job!

      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Jack Stewart this is so cool, thank you so much for uploading this!!! I'll link to it in the master list above very soon. Love the "maybe" at the end, haha 😄 amazing! Thank you so much for doing this!

      One thing I might suggest if you ever want to make any other adjustments to the score - changing some of the tied eighth notes into quarter notes would definitely help with ease of reading.

      This makes me curious actually: Is there a compositional reason for keeping them tied this way? (To make the relentless march of the quarter note beats more obvious perhaps?) Just wanted to get your perspective on this.

      Edit: Done updating the master list with this recording and updated score 👍

      Like 1
    • Jack Stewart Awesome composition, really enjoyed that!

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