Silent Guitars. Yamaha SLG200N series or the like

Hi mates !


I'd like to get your opinion about Yamaha SLG200N series or the like because for me practicing is a real handicap  as very often I can do so only during the night. Then... very often I do not practice to do not disturb the family or neighbours... and in adition... when I practice.. I'm always cautious to no not push hard to avoid to be very loudy.


It is not in my mind to discuss if this type of guitar, or other equivalents, are better of worst than traditionals... that's out of topic.


However I would appreciate your advice... either about this type of instrument or other alternatives. Yes... I know that the best alternative would be to practice during the day... but as per today... it is not feasible. 


Anyway any comment or suggestion will be very welcome



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    • Helen
    • Helen
    • 4 yrs ago
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    If you want to practice classical, you need to get the SLG200NW model, which has 52mm nut width. I personally use a Soloette that was licenced to Aria and sold under the Aria Sinsonido brand name.  One advantage of these silent guitar other than being silent is they can be taken apart easily for travel on the road, and you can also plug it into an amp if you like.  However, in terms of using it as everyday practice guitar, I don't recommend it.  Occasionally is fine, but the posture etc. is not the same. If you absolutely have to practice at night, then go for it, at least it's better than nothing and you get a travel guitar that can be handy. Or you can try to stuff socks on your guitar and see it that works out.

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    • Helen Thank you very much for your feedback !

    • Igornull
    • Igor.2
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi, David.


    I bought a Yamaha SLG200NW some time ago, say 2-3 years. Same problem as you, having to practice at night or early in the morning.


    On one hand, sound quality is not good (how could it be?) compared to any classical guitar. So, it´s not good to work on timbre, dinamics, etc.

    On the other hand, you can practice nearly every technique you must work on.  So, I would encourage you to try one and play some exercises or studies, see how it feels.


    As for me, the guitar feels very good and comfortable on both hands, (very much like my "real" guitars) so I use it to work on daily routine exercises when I can´t play with normal volume.


    As said above, this guitar is so easy to carry.


    Last thing: I use a strap on the Yamaha. For me it works very well,  maybe because I´m used to straps in other instruments. I know for a fact that lots of guitar players don´t like straps, beacuse the guitar moves more than with footstools or whatever..


    I hope this helps. Should you want more information, feel free to ask.


    Best luck.

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    • Igor , thabnk you very much for your feedback


      I really appreciate your comments as well as all those coming from the folks in the community.


      I fully understand and do not expect to be like a "guitar". However your clarification on how being a good option for studies, fingerings, exercices and the like... but not for timbre and dynamics.


      Thank you again.


      I'm still gathering information.. as it is not cheap... but... anyway... I think that there ara not cheap instruments jajaja.

    • Peternull
    • Peter.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I use one from eo guitars. I bought it for travel (it easily fits in a standard overhead stored bag or a light personal item backpack), but I also use it a lot as a silent guitar for night practice, and also when sitting in front of the desktop computer where the thinner "body" is an asset. I lashed up a stand from aluminum and a soft practice hockey puck. Not as stable as a real instrument on an ergoplay but definitely useable. 

    Like 1
    • Peter Thank you for your feedback !


      Interesting contribution about the benefits of having a slim body.


      From one side I was considering that a stopper but nice to see other points of view that may turn pains in advantages.


      I'll keep the thead posted when I make a decision.

    • Luis
    • Luis.2
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hello David Gimenez ,


    Hope this message finds you well. I was wondering if you can share feedback about your final desicion. I'm also trying to get a silent guitar (within a budget) and found the info on this forum very useful but wanted to get more deatils if possible.


    Thank you!

  • Hi Luis


    I'm sorry but I cannot help you. At the end I decided to delay the buying. 


    I was really excited with the idea of buying a SLG200NW as Helen recommended. I tried one and it looked far better as instrument then me as player...  but the price, even for a used guitar, was a strong pushback for me. In fact... it was more expensive than my "normal" guitar so at the end I decided to leave it in stand by.


    Sorry for not being able to give more feedback on the topic but if I can be of further help just let me know.



    • Luis
    • Luis.2
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hello David Gimenez thank you for the feedback, I'm kind of on the same situation. I was considering this one but it's sold out:



    If this helps anyone else looking for options, I also looked at this, but the price is high imho:





    Luis M.

  • I have this Yamaha SLG200NW.

    I brought it to local guitar shop and had set up done for Classical Guitar with new nut and saddle (both bone). Plays so much better now. It is what it is. I have used it in big band and other situations amped with effects and it works great. I do play and practice Classical literature on it when needed. Strap is the way to go for support but you can use Dynarette. Everyone loves it.

    A real conversation piece.

    I only have positive experience but get it set up and consider nut and saddle ( bone)

  • Hi mates !

    This just to share with you how this ended up at my side.


    I purchased some months ago this guitar


    at least in my case it does the job when it is time to play during night or in places/situations where you need to perform reasonably quiet. Even though this guitar is specially addressed to ply on stage to avoid coupling with other instruments, in my case, it works great.





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