BWV 996 Bourree - Jack Stewart

I finally have this under my fingers, including trills - more or less. I still have a ways to go in phrasing and dynamics. Ultimately I would like to alter some of the trills as well, but for now they will have to suffice as they are still pretty challenging for me.

My tone is still a problem though new strings would certainly help. My wife and I will be traveling through mid April so I will wait until we get back to re-string.

I am trying to include articulation in the bass to varying degrees of success. 

I need to have a more defined use of dynamics within each section as well as contrasting repeats.

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  • A great bravo, Jack, for your ornaments, the placement as well as execution.  Far from easy at this tempo, which is a good tempo for the bourree, I think. Some of them might feel a bit heavy for this light dance character piece. You will decide . The phrasing is clear for me. Some f/p contrast could do the trick. Looking forward for the next.

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 9 mths ago
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      joosje Thanks Joosje. I agree with your critique. The heaviness of the trills is probably due to a rather tenuous execution. I find them really difficult to add in, but I think that the ornamentation, when effectively done, really elevates the piece. I also think my ornamentation is rather repetitive, especially in the first section. As I get more control of the piece I will experiment with some other options. And yes, more dynamics!. It's a bit monochromatic at this point. 

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  • 9 mths agoLast active
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