Rene Izquierdo Live Stream (Nov 14) Suggestions / Questions

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Following the success of his last workshop, Maestro Rene Izquierdo will be back with another one, only one month after his first! Catch him on Saturday, Nov 14th!


Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:


We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions about things he might want to touch on, and offer you a chance to ask him your own questions!

  • What questions do you have for Rene?
  • Anything particular area you would like him to focus on?

"Following the unprecedented success of his previous tonebase workshop, Cuban maestro Rene Izquierdo will be returning for another deep dive into guitar ergonomics, technique and a variety of musical concepts. Catch him live to ask him your own questions!"

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    • Dean
    • Dean
    • 4 yrs ago
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    In the last workshop he talked about collapsing/relaxing tip joints for the purpose of getting a warmer and less harsh tone on rest strokes, but I have a question about his use of collapsing the middle finger tip joint for triando. Maybe this question is too complex for a workshop, but here goes: In his youtube videos, it appears that Rene is often collapsing just the middle finger tip joint and I wonder if the purpose in this instance is less about tone and more about compensating for the longer middle finger. Or in other words, by collapsing the tip joint on that finger it presents the m fingernail to the string at the same angle as the i and a fingers, thus making all three fingers feel more equal.

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  • Hi,I wanted to ask if you have any tips and exercises for relaxation

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    • Dean
    • Dean
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Both this workshop and Matt Palmer's were very informative. I noticed a common thread was the idea of practicing using your reflexive speed.  This is something I had heard before, I think Jorge Caballero has an online lesson on it, but I've never had anyone describe a path for how to practice it like both Rene and Matt did. Rene made an interesting comment that he thought i-m reflexive speed is naturally faster than m-i reflexive speed.  That got me thinking that this could be an interesting poll question for when he comes back next month. People could play a single i-m as fast as possible and a single m-i as fast as possible and tell which one is faster for them.

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Dean thanks for this, Dean! I love the idea of the poll, and I will run it by him. I, for one, would love to do it!

      There is also the reality that people perceive different fingers to be their strongest - I remember from my studies, for example, Joaquin Clerch would always finger his pieces with the middle finger as his strongest, whereas I always use the index for the same purpose. I don't think either one of us was "right" with a capital R, but I do think we were both right about our own hands. Just goes to show how technique must be approached, learned and judged on a case-by-case basis!

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      • Dean
      • Dean
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Mircea I agree, guitarists perceive things differently for sure.  I think the reflexive speed question is different though.  If you try to play two notes really fast:  first i-m then take a huge break then m-i, either they are faster with one or maybe there is no difference.  Rene seemed to imply that it was common physiological condition to be faster at i-m so I thought it would be a good poll to test this hypothesis. If we had 1000s of people to poll it would be more scientific, but it could still be informative with dozens. 

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Dean I see what you mean! Hey would you like to make a topic in the general discussion forum asking people to try this out at home before Rene's upcoming stream? We don't currently have a way for people to vote in polls once the live stream is no longer live (or before the next one is live), BUT the forums are open indefinitely! This might be a good way to give people a chance to try it out before the question comes. What do you think? I would edit the description of both this thread and the upcoming one for Rene's next workshop to include the link to your thread.

      • Dean
      • Dean
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Mircea Yes, I will do that.

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Dean awesome! 

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