READ ME: Exploring Music from Spain! 🐂

Hola, compañeros de la guitarra! 

WE LOVE THE GUITAR and we love the country where some of the most beautiful compositions originate from! In this month we want to appreciate the music that has been written in this country or by Spanish composers! 🔥

I definitely want to dive into some exciting standard repertoire from this country, but also try to find new pieces and go into a musical adventure TOGETHER WITH YOU!

What is your most memorable moment that you associate with Spanish music?

Some Lessons to get you started:

The What:

  • We are going on a musical adventure through Spain!
  • We will be sharing the exciting with fellow members!
  • The aim is to practice them every day and post progress updates!
  • You choose how much time you will invest , but you commit to practicing them regularly.
  • A watch party featuring your submissions will take part at the end (date below!)

The When:

  • Challenge start: Monday, Jan 31st
  • Watch party:Friday, March 2nd

The How:

  1. Start by choosing the Spanish pieces you always wanted to learn

  2. After some practicing, go to our Updates thread and post a video, an audio or simply a text about it!

What do you love about Music from Spain? Let us know! ↓

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  • I’d like to learn the Castles of Spain by Torroba, but most are too ambitious.  However, Manny did a wonderful lesson on “Torija”, so I will give that one a shot, along with perhaps Alba de Tormes, and Montrmayor.  Hopefully I can learn one of them during the challenge.

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  • Picture it: Indiana, 1977. 


    A young man but of 12 years gently places Julian & John on the stereo turntable. He has been studying guitar for seven years. His grandmother had just died, the first important death of his life. Listening to Albeniz' "Cordoba," he begins to weep. This music touches him in a way no music ever had. Following that, the Intermezzo from Goyescas. Then, by the end of the fiery La Vida Breve, I knew THIS was the music for my instrument. I was hooked.


    Though I later went on to explore other composers and arrangers--Bach, Atkins, Tarrega, Bensusan, York, Gerhard, Granados, Almeida, Cousins--I always come back to the passion of the Spanish, Mexican, and Brazilian artists. 


    I'm really looking forward to this!

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    • Lars Kjøller-Hansennull
    • Amateur with too little time and bingeplayer with sore arms and fingers
    • Lars_KjollerHansen
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Memorable moments with spanish guitar music

    1. Young and with  friends at Costa del Sol. Some blurred , through sangria and Cuba libre, memories of a spanish popband with fast guitars solos played with thick nails on nylon string guitars.

    2. Slightly older and mature  walking hand in hand with my girlfriend through the El Retiro Park in Madrid on the way to Prada museum to se Goyas Maya. Street musicians playing Recuerdos de Alhambra and Asturias. I was stunned that guitars could be played that way. Picked the nylon guitar up from under the bed after having bought the sheet music … and gave up. Not really beginner pieces.

    3. Approaching 50. Heard Granada in Woody Allens Vicky, Christina, Barcelona. Picked up the nylon string again after 25 years and since I have tried to catch up

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  • Hola!

    Very cool! I'll try to submit something by the end of February. I won't manage to have complete piece, but I think I'll go with a part of "Asturias (Leyenda)" or "Recuerdos de la Alhambra" (not at full speed 😁)

    For now, I'm watching the other submmissions and it is really great! 

    Adios, amigos!

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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