Week 4: From Cardoso to Carlevaro!

Greetings, everyone! We are thrilled to welcome you all to the Latin American Music Challenge! 😀🎉

In this exciting journey, we'll be immersing ourselves in the richly diverse and vibrant world of Latin American music, a world that's deeply interconnected with our beloved instrument💪

This challenge presents an opportunity to not only enhance our skills but also to appreciate the cultural richness and musical complexity that Latin American melodies bring. From the passionate rhythms of salsa to the poignant strains of the tango, we'll explore it all!

Please remember, we have an extensive category in our library dedicated to Latin American Repertoire. This library is a treasure trove of courses designed to provide deep insights and technical knowledge about various aspects of Latin American music. Make sure to make the most of it!

We are excited to kick-start this musical journey and we hope you are too. Let's dive in!



  • Challenge Start: Kick-Off on June 30th
  • Duration: June 24th - July 24th
  • Watch Party: July 30th, 10 am PST


  1. Choose Your Piece: Select a new piece of music to work on. Share your choice in the thread below and inspire your fellow musicians!
  2. Video Submission: Submit a video of your practice this week. Highlight your favorite passage from the piece that showcases the origin of this piece!


Let’s kick things off with enthusiasm! Share your progress, encourage others, and explore new musical horizons together. Can’t wait to see what everyone chooses!

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    • Jack Stewart
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    • Jack_Stewart
    • 6 mths ago
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    Brouwer Tres Apuntes (menos uno) II and I - closer

    I have an almost decent recording of the first 2 of Tres Apuntes, however I have reversed their order because I felt it would be better to conclude with the more dramatic first one.

    I am having my typical difficulty unmaking a decent recording. Trying to record both pieces just further compounds the difficulties. I feel both are close but each has a couple of glaring stumbles at points that I really like. 

    I might be able to try one more time but my wife and I leave for Pittsburgh and Buffalo on Saturday morning so I don't k now if I will actually try.

    Like 4
    • Jack Stewart That was great and very impressive. While you mentioned Roelar reminded you of Monk, these two pieces, particularly the second one,  reminds me of Stravinsky. I also liked your tone on these pieces, seemed to match the music well.

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 6 mths ago
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      Jack Stewart Wow!  that was awesome, Jack!  Great work!!

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 6 mths ago
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      Dale Needles Thanks Dale. I agree with your observation about a Stravinsky character in the the 1st Apuntes (the 2nd in this recording). I suspect Stravinsky was a very conscious influence for Brouwer.

      Have a great time in the Pacific NW. Happy birthday to Suzanne and daughters.

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 6 mths ago
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      Barney Thanks Barney.

    • Jack Stewart Bravo Jack, what an amazing and energetic take on these two Apuntes! Definitely something you enjoy and communicate very well to us! 👏💪

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 6 mths ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Thanks Blaise. They feel like I am getting close. Well….. until I listen to Tillman Hoppstock’s recording. I then realize how much further I need to go. Oh well, it’s the journey that counts.

  • Following the last few emotional weeks since my father's death, I needed motivation and inspiration to slowly get back to the guitar... so yesterday, Master Vedral published a page of beautiful music that simply gave me the boost... I'm sorry if the choice is not a perfect fit for this challenge but I hope you'll enjoy it somehow.

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    • Blaise Laflamme Another beautiful and moving tribute. Sorry for your loss. 

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      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 6 mths ago
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      Blaise Laflamme So sorry for the loss of your Dad, Blaise.

      Beautiful tune and playing !  Great to see you back with us.

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    • Blaise Laflamme Thank you for this, Blaise. If you are like me, making music is the best way that you know to express your emotions. We are all very honored that you have shared this music with us.

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    • Eric Phillips Dale Needles Barney thanks guys for your support... and you're so right Eric about expression through music! 🙏

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      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 6 mths ago
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      Blaise Laflamme I am really sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. This was a beautiful tribute to him. I’m happy to you back.

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    • Blaise Laflamme beautiful Blaise. I’m sorry for your loss. I enjoyed this music so much! I could not join in this challenge. I’m at this moment supporting my older brother, who is living the end of his days. Life isn’t always easy. Your music is a great comfort. Thank you.

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    • Jack Stewart Thank you Jack... 2 parents in about a year was kind of... unexpected... 😰

    • joosje Thank you Joosje... I know a bit about what you're going through... take care 🤗

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 6 mths ago
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      joosje  I’m also sorry to hear about your brother, Joosje. Dealing with close family member’s declining health and death is very challenging, 

      • Ronnull
      • Ron.3
      • 6 mths ago
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      Blaise Laflamme So sorry for your loss Blaise. What a lovely tibute, beautifully played.

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    • Ron Thank you Ron! 🙏

    • Blaise Laflamme I am sorry for your loss. I too lost my dear father-in-law this week. I was listening to this performance at the watch party, and I was struck by the beauty of your sound and the clarity of your recording. I'd love to know what you are doing to produce such a captivating result?

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    • Sam Greenblatt Thank you Sam and I'm also sorry for your loss. About my recording it's hard to say, It's still a work in progress... most of what I've learned was from Martin's recording course combined with endless try-error! 😅 I would say that I try to get my sound as natural as possible, I like close miking as it shows no mercy on your playing but makes everything so clear. I'm using an AB stereo setup for the recording and post-process in a DAW using a few Fabfilter plugins; a bit of EQ, reverb and limiter. If you have more specific questions feel free to ask, I'll be happy to share!

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