Week 4: From Cardoso to Carlevaro!

Greetings, everyone! We are thrilled to welcome you all to the Latin American Music Challenge! 😀🎉

In this exciting journey, we'll be immersing ourselves in the richly diverse and vibrant world of Latin American music, a world that's deeply interconnected with our beloved instrument💪

This challenge presents an opportunity to not only enhance our skills but also to appreciate the cultural richness and musical complexity that Latin American melodies bring. From the passionate rhythms of salsa to the poignant strains of the tango, we'll explore it all!

Please remember, we have an extensive category in our library dedicated to Latin American Repertoire. This library is a treasure trove of courses designed to provide deep insights and technical knowledge about various aspects of Latin American music. Make sure to make the most of it!

We are excited to kick-start this musical journey and we hope you are too. Let's dive in!



  • Challenge Start: Kick-Off on June 30th
  • Duration: June 24th - July 24th
  • Watch Party: July 30th, 10 am PST


  1. Choose Your Piece: Select a new piece of music to work on. Share your choice in the thread below and inspire your fellow musicians!
  2. Video Submission: Submit a video of your practice this week. Highlight your favorite passage from the piece that showcases the origin of this piece!


Let’s kick things off with enthusiasm! Share your progress, encourage others, and explore new musical horizons together. Can’t wait to see what everyone chooses!

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  • Anido - Preludio Pampeano

    I think I'll make this my last post of this piece. Maybe I can sneak one more in by the end of the challenge? (Not sure)

    Like 3
    • Eric Phillips  Nicely done Eric .... Bravo 👍

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    • Jack Stewart
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    • Jack_Stewart
    • 2 mths ago
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    Brouwer Tres Apuntes II initial rough draft

    I finally have this under my fingers, more or less. I find the rhythm really challenging (I am generally rhythm challenged anyway). This is also very difficult to phrase. It is very disjointed but works beautifully when it is done well. I am generally referring to Tilman Hoppstock's recording which I think is one of the best. My recording is very stilted at this point. I have quite a ways to go but I hope to get a decent recording of this and the first Apuntes by the end of the challenge.

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    • Jack Stewart Good start with this one. Looking forward to seeing your progress. 

    • Jack Stewart  I agree with your statement Jack '' rhythm really challenging '' . This piece is very difficult and you are progressing well. Thanks for sharing this very special and interesting music.

    • Jack Stewart I really love those power chords droning underneath the angular, syncopated melody. Thanks for sharing these Brouwer pieces with us. Your performance is quite good, especially as you have not been playing it for very long at all.

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 2 mths ago
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      Jack Stewart This tricky piece is coming along very well, Jack.  I love your handling of dynamics and tone color.  Pieces like this require time and patience.  You should be very proud of your wonderful progress!

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 mths ago
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      Dale Needles Thanks, Dale.

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 mths ago
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      Andre Bernier Thanks Andre. As I mentioned In my latest posting. I made several recordings of this piece and my foot tapping was very prominent! I have to really count out the subdivisions to be able to place this. Even though 
      I have stopped tapping my foot I think you still see me counting to myself.

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 mths ago
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      Eric Phillips Thanks Eric. I know you (and Blaise) are quite partial to power chords. 

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    • Jack Stewart I am Iron Man 🎸

    • Jack Stewart you did great i think. i'm not familiar with this piece (looks challenging for me). Kudos for choosing this one. i'm myself often rhythmically doubtful about my playing.

    • martinTeam
    • LIVE
    • martin.3
    • 2 mths ago
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    Hello everybody, the Watch Party will take place on July 30th!

  • For this challenge, I chose the famous Scherzino Mexicano by Ponce. The recording seems a little distorted, not sure why. The challenge with this piece for me is to keep it sounding fun and dance-like and not ponderous. Also I had intended to mix up the dynamics a bit more with right hand coloration, but this seems not to have worked out very well. The middle section is very tricky and requires some unusual left hand gymnastics to avoid ruining the fluidity of the line - I have been only partially successful on that aspect. Also a few clipped notes here and there, but not a total disaster!

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    • Sam Greenblatt Very nicely played and a very good selection for this challenge. And that middle section does look a bit challenging but you are playing it well and like a fine wine will only get better in time.

    • Sam Greenblatt Excellent choice and performance, Sam! I don't think it sounds ponderous at all, especially the A section. I have always struggled mightily with highly rhythmic pieces like this, so I tip my hat to you.

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 2 mths ago
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      Sam Greenblatt Good taste and choice Sam!  ( I also picked this one  for a challenge some time ago, haha).  Ponce is one of my favorite composers for guitar.   I enjoyed your performance very much. Beautiful playing!

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 mths ago
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      Sam Greenblatt This is wonderful, Sam. You have an elegant fluidity to your playing. Really enjoyed this. Thanks for presenting it.

    • Sam Greenblatt Sounds very accomplished, especially your LH is so snappy in a great way. Really well played.

    • Nijwm Bwiswmuthiary thank you, your comments are much appreciated

    • Barney I would be interested to know what you found technically challenging in this piece and how you dealt with it?

  • Pedro Ramirez Sanchez – Madrigal

    I found a video of this on YT performed by David Jacques. According to him, Sanchez was from Argentina and lived from 1885-1959. I found the score in a set of five pieces by him published in 1939 (see attached file). I have not been able to find out anything more about him, so if someone knows anything, please let me know.

    This piece has a very sweet and beautiful melody. Listening back to my video, I can tell right away that I need to bring down the volume of my accompaniment a lot in order to bring out that melody.

    This was not intentional, but I have noticed that all five of the pieces I have played in this challenge have been from Argentinian composers, and all but one of them has been in drop D tuning. If I ever get a second guitar, I think I’ll just keep one in standard tuning and one in drop D, since I play with that tuning so often. That low D in the bass just makes the guitar resonate so beautifully.

    • Eric Phillips Beautiful and thanks for showcasing these great little gems from composers from Argentina.

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      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 2 mths ago
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      Eric Phillips A very gentle and flowing piece beautifully played, Eric. You keep finding these obscure little gems (as does Dale).

      BTW, are those your boxer shorts drying on the mantle?

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    • Jack Stewart Close! They are some kind of pom poms my wife put up for the Fourth of July. Needless to say, I am not in charge of home decor around here.

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 2 mths ago
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      Eric Phillips Another nice choice for this challenge, and beautiful playing, Eric!

      I agree about the drop D tuning and I also get frustrated with the tuning stability when changing back and forth with normal tuning.  I guess maybe it's time for another guitar-- perhaps a Jose Romanillos ( wishful thinking, haha).

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