Vladimir Gorbach: Performance and the Reset Approach

Guys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, I am so excited about this one! 😀

University of Sydney professor (and fellow USC alum) Vladimir Gorbach will be joining us for a tonebase LIVE workshop!


We will be talking about two distinct topics: on the one hand, he will be explaining his "reset approach" that he applies in his own practice and performance career. This will touch on topics of motivation, focus, memory, and overcoming all sorts of challenges.


Additionally, building on his existing lesson on tonebase, he will also be covering aspects of coordination and synchronization with a focus on right-hand technique.

Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:



We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions about things he might want to touch on, and offer you a chance to ask him your own questions!

  • What questions do you have for him?
  • Any particular area you would like him to focus on?

Forum questions will be answered first!


In this workshop, renowned Russian guitarist and University of Sydney professor Vladimir Gorbach will analyze key aspects of practice and performance such as motivation, technique, focus and memory, and overcoming potential challenges. One of the suggested solutions is the “reset approach” that scrutinizes some of the conventional tactics in instrumental practice. Building on topics from his existing tonebase lesson, he will also be covering aspects of coordination and synchronization with a focus on right-hand technique.

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  • Hi Friends, the lesson was very interesting, unfortunately I didn't understand much😔, if some willing write the most interesting passages, with the translator I will try to understand, thanks anyway😊

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    • Giuseppe Gasparini Giuseppe Gasparini 

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Giuseppe Gasparini Hi Giuseppe and ajcraimundo ! I'm sorry to hear you didn't understand as much as you would have hoped 😕 in the future, we are planning to start a "Live Highlights" YouTube channel that will include some of the most interesting moments from every live stream. Perhaps that will help, given YouTube's auto-captioning of all audio!

      In the meantime, if anybody takes the time to write down the most important moments of any livestreams, please make sure to tag me or send me an email at [email protected]. I'd love to read them!

    • Mircea Hi Mircea,thanks for your answer, I struggle to understand when you speak and there is no musical example, with some small input, I could try to understand and it would be very useful for learning English.😊

      Ciao Mircea,grazie per la tua risposta,faccio fatica a capire quando si parla e non c'è esempio musicale,con qualche piccolo imput,potrei sforzarmi a capire e mi sarebbe molto utile per imparare l'inglese.

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Giuseppe Gasparini si, ti capisco, Giuseppe. (I understand you, Giuseppe)

      I always try to encourage our guests to use musical examples and actually play for us during streams, but you're right - due to the flow of the conversation and their personal preference, it doesn't always end up happening a lot. Glad to hear our livestreams are helping you improve your English though 😁 I love learning foreign languages and helping others do the same.

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  • Bom dia tb não entendi muito da aula...... minha sugestão fazer-se resumos das masters como se faz nas masters de tonebase....... eu próprio estou tentando fazer alguns resumos são muito uteis porque assim podemos traduzir o texto e fazer compilações de trabalho

    bem haja

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