Villa-Lobos Étude 2 fingering help needed

I'm learning the second etude and I'm having trouble seeing what right-hand fingering is used on the second 1/2 of the first bar. The PDF doesn't have it and he plays it too fast in the recording to see what he's doing and doesn't mention the right-hand fingering on the second half of the bar.
Is the open E on the end of the third beat played with "a"? 
Then is the last beat of measure 1 m,i,p,p?. So you would play p on the E, p on the C, then start the measure over with p again on the low A- so p would be used three times in a row?
Any help would be appreciated- thanks!

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  • Hi Shannon !

    This is Igor. I worked on this piece quite a bit with Tal myself, so I'm happy to help! :) 

    Tal is using, in fact, the "m" finger on the open e string. So the RH pattern for that last measure A-Major chord after the slur / figure in the 10th position looks like the following: 

    open E - m 
    C# ---- a 
    A ------ m 
    E ------ i 
    C# ---- p 
    open A - p

    It is a little counterintuitive because you technically cross-string on the 1st & 2nd strings going downwards with the a and m fingers;

    open e - m 
    C# ---- a 

    however, what it allows you to do, is to avoid having to use the p on the E on the 4th string, and then again for the C# on the 5th string, which is very non-ergonomic. Instead, you have a natural a-m-i-p-p (repeating p on the same string 2x is always fine) downward movement from the 2nd to the 5th string. 

    To help with the m-a transition, what you can do is, after you played the open E with the m-Finger, try "moving" you whole hand just a little bit further down, and also "think" about moving the a-Finger closer to the 2nd string as you play the open E-String with the m finger. 

    That, plus a little "artistic tenuto + pp"  ;)  on that C#, that is to be played on the 2nd string with a Finger, and you should be able to play it very smoothly! 

    Let me know if that helps! 

    Igor | tonebase

    • Shannon
    • Shannon
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Igor- thanks so much! That's incredibly helpful as I couldn't see it in the recording and for some reason, the score only has partial fingerings.
    I know this is a lot to ask, but do you have a score that has complete fingerings for this piece you could share with me (and anyone else working on this piece)?
    Since this is an etude, the fingerings are so important to working it out, which is why I was a little shocked that the score didn't have complete right-hand fingerings- especially for the long scaler passage. 
    I really appreciate that you took the time to answer me- thanks again!

  • Hi Shannon, 

    Glad it was helpful! Unfortunately, I don't have the complete score. :( I understand, of course, how crucial it is to have the full fingerings of the score, and will try to either reconnect with Tal, to have him provide full fingerings, or to enter the fingerings myself shortly; I think I remember most of it still... ;) 

    Stay tuned, and welcome to tonebase! If you have any questions,  feel free to get in touch at any time either with me, our with our Head of Guitar Mircea, or our Head of Live and Community martin.


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