Rene Izquierdo: Public Workshop (Dec 12) Questions / Suggestions

🚨 HOLIDAY SPECIAL ALERT! 🚨 I have the wonderful pleasure to announce:


The one, the only - the great Cuban maestro himself - Rene Izquierdo will be back for another deep dive into guitar ergonomics, technique and an entire host of other musical concepts! 💥🎉


And this one - well, this livestream is going to be particularly special:

Following the unprecedented success of his previous shows, and in the spirit of the holidays, this event will also be available for non-members to watch.

Catch him live to ask him your own questions - and send the link to anyone who might be interested!

Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:



We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions about things he might want to touch on, and offer you a chance to ask him your own questions!

  • What questions do you have for him?
  • Any particular area you would like him to focus on?

Forum questions will be answered first!

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  • Hello, first of all I wanted to thank the Maestro, a great concert performer and a great teacher,the advice I ask is on the left hand, I tend to keep the base of the index close or resting on the base of the handle, is it right or wrong?another question if possible, in the first positions you can hold the hand of the violinist or always in line with the strings?🙂

    Ciao,volevo prima di tutto ringraziare il Maestro,grande concertista e grande insegnante,il consiglio che chiedo è sulla mano sinistra,tendo a tenere la base dell'indice vicini o appoggiato alla base del manico,è giusto o sbagliato?altra questione se possibile,nelle prime posizioni si può tenere la mano alla violinista o sempre in linea con le corde?🙂

    P.S Ciao Mircea,ho scritto anche in Italiano perché non vorrei che in Inglese, non fosse comprensibile Grazie

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Giuseppe Gasparini (Italian below) Absolutely, I will ask Rene about this! Just to be sure I understand correctly though, can you also upload a photo of the issue so that I can see exactly what you mean? Is it this part of the finger that you mean, or another? Let me know.

      Certo, li chiedero questo a Rene! Solo per essere sicuro che ho capito bene, puoi mettere anche una foto, per vedere esattamente quelo che dici?

      E questa parte dell'indice che dici? O un'altra?

      Like 1
  • Hi Mircea, post the photos and thank you for your kindness👍

    • Herman
    • Herman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Rene talked about "reflexive" speed or something. Can he go deeper in to this and maybe give us an exercise we can implement in our daily routine?

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    • Herman
    • Herman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Two of Rene"s video"s were taken down by ToneBase. His 1006a and a Scarlatti. Can we have a pol to see how manny of us want them back. The 1006a without slurs is a very important and relevant one regardless of video quality.

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    • Herman
    • Herman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Could Rene show us som fingering sollutions in his Scarlatti K146 rendering.

    It would be great if he made his arragement(s) with detailed fingerings available.

    Maybe via Patreon? And don't say the are just modified Brouwer arrangements😉.

    • Herman
    • Herman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I am considering a Altamira guitar because of Rene"s playing on one of them.

    What are Rene"s thoughts on these guitars?

    • Herman
    • Herman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I have trouble with the simplest arpegiios: pmi, pimi, and pimami. I have done planting, full and sequential and all the other  stuff, accents. dotting, but stil no speed. Other formulas work wel but these will not speed up. Please a daily routine to help with this.

    • Herman
    • Herman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Rene your phrasing always has direction  (aim and target) how do you achieve that?

    • Herman
    • Herman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    sorry for so manny question but you are the source and I am very thirsty.

    • Dean
    • Dean
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Can someone post a link to the exact material Rene is using for a non-slip surface.? It's thicker than the shelf liner, I already have some of that material. It looks like the same material that Franz Halasz uses to hold his guitar at a high neck angle -- possibly yoga mat.

    • Salvador
    • Salvador
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi Mircea!

    I very much enjoyed this lecture today, it was entertaining and informative!

    I just want to follow up on a question I had and a suggestion that I thought of.


    I asked about Rene about the

    -Guitar Mute- which is a product that was created by a flamenco player also sold by Guitar Salon International.

    I dont think René knew this product? Because of the way he answered my question.

    I uploaded a picture of the practicing device I was talking about.

    Anyhow, I wanted to suggest to you all, that it would be great to have a button that allows people who have questions to post pictures or short video clips to guve examples of what they are talking about.

    Hope that in the future we’ll be able to attach pics to our questions in a more immediate manner. Thank you so very much!!

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Salvador Hi Salvador, thanks for clarifying! I certainly didn't know what you meant by "guitar mute", I'm pretty sure both Rene and I interpreted it to simply mean a mute for the guitar - the kind of which there are many (for guitars, as well as for other instruments such as violins or trumpets.)

      (I do have to say, that seems to me to be a bit of a confusing brand name, given that there is a separate and much older object that is generally referred to using the same combination of words. There are many silent guitars and practice guitars around - that's the name I would have intuitively used to describe this - really handy and neat! - device.)

      Unfortunately, there will not be a way for users to include pictures into their live comments anytime soon. We are using Vimeo as our live streaming engine, on which there simply isn't such a function. We are considering building our own player in the future, but it is not currently clear whether that will happen (it would take a significant engineering and development effort), and if so, when.

      That being said, I'll forward your feedback to the relevant people to keep in mind if and when that occurs! I personally like the idea. Thank you!

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