Week 1 - Prepare // Mar 22nd

Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the composition challenge! This is the place to discuss the Week 1 livestream and post your Week 1 assignments.

Week 1 assignment description:

Write one short "imitation" piece modeled off an etude by another composer of your choosing by using key elements found in the "model piece." 


(For inspiration and some tricks on how to do this, watch the livestream above!)

If you want to describe your process (optional), feel free to use the following template.

  • Etude you are imitating:
  • Things you found easy:
  • Things you found difficult:
  • (Optional): a video of you performing it!
  • (Optional:) questions

↓ Reply below with your assignments and questions! ↓

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  • Hello everybody 🙂

    Here's my small contribution. I'm fascinated by Bach's chorals and 4-part harmony in general. So I've crafted my own choral according to Bach. Using Musescore I first made a piano version and then arranged it for guitar. I include both scores and a MIDI version of piano and guitar.

    Unfortunately the recording will come later - simply haven't had the time.

    Using a MIDI keyboard, the melody and final guitar arrangement came fairly quickly. But adding the harmony of the other 3 voices, was a real challenge. I hope I avoided consecutive 5ths and 8ves. 🙂

    • Philip Wonderful choice for an imitation piece, who can resist Bach? Nice work!

    • Jack Stewart
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    • Jack_Stewart
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I am trying to compose something with a Stravinsky influence. For this exercise I tried to confine myself to his simpler piano pieces (5 finger etudes,  5 easy pieces, etc). What I have is more complicated than I had intended. (I can't help myself)

    I decided to use an octotonic scale as the basis - though I use it very naively. The structure is more motivic rather than harmonic, with an occasional ostinato lower voice. I intend to have a short fugal section (ie; Sor's op.29 #17). before returning to the original material. I have not been able to perform this very convincingly yet - so no video.

    I am enjoying this challenge. It is forcing me to do something I have wanted to do for a long time. Thank you.

    • Jack Stewart Just opened it in MuseScore and I think it sounds great! Lovely skewed tones with a touch of frantic air. I will play it and maybe record it 🙂

    • Jack Stewart Can you post a PDF version of the score?

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme I will be happy to, however it will take me a little while to create a PDF. I am an old dog and that is a new trick.

      Thanks, Jack

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Philip Thanks very much. I would love to hear it. For myself, once I finish it, it will take me some time to work it up. I think I have composed something above my pay grade.

      Thanks, Jack

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    • Jack Stewart Please continue Jack! It has potential! I've done most of the fingering and Jack ... this is actually quite difficult! Well done! 

      There are just some places where I'm in doubt whether you mean a E natural of E flat, like in bar 19: E 16th note of the second beat.

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      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Philip I actually am not sure about the e natural there. That's as far as I have written and this is still very much a draft - I have changed some of the lower voice since posting. I will have to see where I go from that point to now what I want there. I was probably considering some sort of modulation before I stopped.

    • Jack Stewart Wow! I definitely enjoyed this one. That bass-line is great! Keep working with this one, it's too cool of an idea to let go of.. and remember: Keep it simple! I think there are already so many great ideas in there already. :) I'm so glad to have been able to help you get started, what an honor for me!

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Hi Blaise. I have posted a revised version and a PDF score. I am slowly learning how to use Musescore.

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    • Jack Stewart
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    • Jack_Stewart
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thanks very much for your kind words. It is very encouraging. I am posting my (first) Final draft in Musescore and PDF. Though I am sure I will make alterations to it (hence the 'first'). I will try to work it up as a performance over the next week or 2 (or 3, or 4....). Thanks very much for having this very supportive composition class. 

    • Jack Stewart Fantastic! Great job Jack! I also hope to have a recording ready soon ... your piece is too good and interesting not to be performed. 👍👏 I've nearly finished fingering the piece and must say I'm really impressed by the difficulty and rhythm of the piece.

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      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Philip Thanks Philip. I am starting to learn the work now. I imigine there will still be revisions to come.

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    • Jack Stewart I think many of us are 😮 If it's okay I've come up with some small ideas for your piece and will post it with the fingering. 🙂

    • Jack Stewart yup, still love it! Such a cool idea :)

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ashley (Ash) Lucero Ok. So this is my final version (well.....maybe). I feel I have improved the ending and maybe the middle section - though that is still under consideration. I am trying to work it up so that I can record for the watch part.

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Philip Hey Philip, I just uploaded what is the final version (maybe). I have also included fingering and am trying to learn to play it. The middle section is pretty shaky. I am interested in seeing what your ideas are. 

    • Jack Stewart Awesome! I will upload my arrangement later this week 🙂👍

    • Jack Stewart Looking good. :-) My arrangement will be a simplified version but still faithful to your original score. I also included an extra ending and given A LOT of attention to the fingering. I hope to have it ready soon.

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      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Philip Looking forward to seeing, hearing it.

      I am currently reworking the 'fugal' section - hoping to include a quote from either Les Noces or Rite of Spring (just a melody and/or bass line). My intention is to make that section less relentlessly dissonant (and simpler!).

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    • Jack Stewart wonderful development of ideas and maintaining the coherence thought rhythmic and intervallic similarities. I really enjoyed the E pedal section. Now the question is, have you checked the playability of this piece? so cool!

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    • Jack Stewart Dear Jack. Here's what I have so far. There is a lot potential in this piece, but what I found especially challenging is the shift in rhythm where there are 8th note rests - I found it hard to keep the beat. So in some places I added an extra note and other places I removed some, also to make it more playable for the guitar.

      Bars 25-29 and 37-40 would perhaps need more attention on melody and rhythm. Bars 42-46 are my addition for a serene ending to the frantic air of the piece. Feel free to use it how you like or not. :-)

      I don't think I will be able to make a complete record yet -hopefully bits and pieces of it.

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Philip Hey Philip, I finally made a (rough) video of me playing my Stravinsky Etude. You had been so supportive I wanted let you know. It's posted on the Final Composition Challenge Master Sheet.

  • Hi Ash,

    I'm inspired by the workshop!  This submission is a little late and I'm holding off watching part 2 "Develop" instruction until posting.  I hope to get in sync with the schedule for next assignment. 

    • Etude you are imitating: Brouwer - Estudios sencillos III
    • Things you found easy: Making a decision about time change, following original form
    • Things you found difficult: Resisting the urge to edit before putting something down
    • (Optional): a video of you performing it! https://youtu.be/x5kUyfD7qs4

      I wanted to keep the form, dynamics and the shape of line.  My analysis started with looking at the intervals between the low notes and then the intervals between the low note and the subsequent higher pitch in each beat.  I've changed the time signature and added a note that is half step below the repeated high notes in the original study.  After playing a couple of times, I noticed that I lose the whole note low each by putting some notes on the 6th string.  This will probably change some way in the development phase. 


      I wrote it on guitar and started thinking about it as a guitar study (imagine that) and changed some of the original pitches to deal with a left hand situation that could be a study idea.  


      On to Develop video!


    • Randy Nice work! You really nailed this exercise perfectly :) looking forward to what you come up with on week 2's thread!

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