SUGGESTED Tárrega Piece Selections - Click Here for the Music!

Hey everyone! What are your favorite pieces from Tárrega?

I'd love for you to explore Tárregas pieces on your own, but here's a little guidance through the vast works of Tárrega!

Click here for the Sheet Music

Check out these suggested tracks I came up with:

By difficulty:

  • Easy: Lágrima, Etude in E Minor, Adelita, Marieta

  • Medium: Preludes, Endecha-Oremus, Tango, Transcriptions (Pathètique, Moonlight), Vals in Re, Sueno

  • Advanced: Gran Vals, Caprichio Arabe, La Mariposa, Recuerdos de la Alhambra


My personal favorites: Prelude no.5, Lágrima, Endecha-Oremus, Caprichio Arabe, Barcarola

What do you think, which ones did you like best? 

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  • Martin, I totally agree with your choice.. We seem to  share a preference for lyrical minor key pieces. I’d like to add E major prelude no. 4, mazurka Marietta, Chopin prelude no. 6, and Schubert menuet op. 78.

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      joosje Great, I'll take a look at them! 

    • Martin the Schubert is too difficult for now,. I used to play it  as a duo piece...

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      joosje Great! I have never played that!

    • Martin  not Tarrega’s transcription

  • Too many great pieces. I might add the Mazurka in G major. I'd say it's intermediate.

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Oh yes, Tárregas opus has soo much to offer! I look forward to the submission and am excited to find new pieces to bring into my repertoire!

  • My favourite piece is Marieta (Mazurka in A Minor). I haven't played it for a while, so I've started refreshing it. A lot of it still sticks 🙂

    Also, just wanted to share some images of my recording setup. I finally got my OM1 mics from Sweden and they are awesome! I finally feel: "This is how I sound!" (thanks to MartinZ for his great recording courses and helping us mere mortals navigating this musical labyrinth). I really hope to get more time to record and also attend this Tarrega challenge 🙂

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    • Philip Nice setup! I also got a pair of OM1 and CM4 during the Recording lessons, they are great! I've been using the CM4 for the Composition Challenge, I can't wait to hear you!

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Philip Wow! Awesome! Congratulations to your great setup, I look forward to your submissions and I am happy that you got so much out of the Recording Course! 🧙‍♂️🎧🎤

      Blaise Laflamme Yeah!!!! How do you like CM4s so far?? Their polar pattern is a little wider than regular cardioids, so they should pick a little bit more room and airiness! Do you have an interface which can input 4 channels? You could find a small church nearby and do a complete production with this setup! Excited for your submissions!

    • Martin I really like the CM4, they overshadowed the Oktava MK012 I first bought last year! Next I'm trying the SRM1, I can't wait to hear the results. Yes my interface is a portable MixPre6 so I could easily record anywhere and use a combination of 2 pairs of microphones between the CM4, OM1 and SRM1. I'm really grateful to you for the Recording Course and advices you still give us, I would never managed to progress so quickly!!

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      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Wow, I didn't know that noHype released at stereo ribbon mic! You need to record something for the challenge with that, I'm super curious to listen to it! 🎧
      Super cool, that's a great mobile setup! So happy that you keep on discover new things in the world of recording!

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    • Martin yes I ordered them after I asked you about an alternative to AEA as something similar to the CM4 and you pointed me out noHype, and then found the SRM1. I just got it last week and I'll definitely use it for the challenge, I have to say that I'm impressed by the first test I've done so far! BTW if I want to record with 2 pairs simultaneously, like with the CM4 and SRM1, what would I need to take care of to ensure no phase problem when I combine them, any cues?

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme I would try to phase-align one stereo system to another! It's basically just moving one object around so that they are phase coherent on a sample level. Reaper has some tricks up its sleeves, maybe you want to check that out!

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    • Martin Ok thanks... and the video has good tips too!

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Just don't align the phases within one stereo system! The ORTF-Setup or the small AB-Pair is characterized by their phase differences as the signal reaches the microphones at different times.

      Actually, phase difference is just a fancy word for time-of-arrival (not really though, as the phase could be inversed or messed up in a lot of ways, but that shouldn't happen), so if you align within one stereo system, you are basically removing the stereo perception leaving you just with the sonic differences of the two microphones which might cancel each other out at certain frequencies, also know as comb filtering.

    • Philip sweet setup

    • Barney
    • Barney
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Did you have a chance to look at Danza Mora by Tarrega?  It's a great piece and has few challenging parts...  I think we should add it to the list.

    • Barney agree. It’s a beautiful stylish piece....

      • martinTeam
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      • 3 yrs ago
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      Barney I'l try to do a fun practice video with it: Progress after 1min, after 10min and after 1h! I'm a little scared to do it with that piece, haha 😵

    • Barney
    • Barney
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thanks Joosje. I think Tarrega composed this little gem after his visit to Algers, based on a drum rhythm he heard there.  I will need some technical guidance in certain parts to play this piece well.

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    • Barney
    • Barney
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thanks Martin!  I was wondering about the best fingering when playing the first theme  (3rd line at VII fret bar); the score shows "m-a".  How to perform this clearly without sounding adjacent strings.  Also, on second page after the VII fret B major arpeggio slide with 4th finger up to 16th fret -- the 32nd note triplet at 14th fret--How to make this 14th - 16th- 14th fret slurs clean?

    So as you're having "fun" with this, please see if you can come up with some advice on these passages.  Much appreciated!!  I'll look out for your video.  Thanks!!!

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Barney I'll take a look at this piece! My Roadmap for this community challenge is as follows:

      • Getting to know all the women of Tarrega: Maria, Marietta, Adelita, Isabel
      • Danza Mora, Capricho Arabe an finalizing Endecha-Oremus and some more preludes
      • Maybe his two Arrangements of Beethoven: Moonlight and Pathétique! 

      Looking at it now, this might be too much 😅🧙‍♂️ But on the other hand, it should be a Challenge!

    • Barney
    • Barney
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Your Roadmap sounds like a great plan!.  Tarrega contributed some of the most beautiful pieces in the guitar repertoire!  I look forward to watching your videos and listening to your wonderful playing(with that great tone!!).  Thanks!

  • Cappricio Arabe, preludes 1 and 5, are among my favorites

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