When is your favorite time of day to Practice?

Hey toneBuddies! 

Hope you're all doing well and creating great music! Today, I have a question for you:
When do you find yourself most drawn to your instrument? Are you an early bird, filling the quiet morning air with your melodies? Or perhaps you're a night owl, serenading the moon with your tunes? Maybe you're someone who likes a mid-day break with your instrument?
Sharing our individual routines could provide valuable insights for those struggling to find their optimal practice time. Plus, it's always interesting to see the variety in our community!
So let's hear it, toneBuddies! What's your favourite time to practice and why?
Happy practicing!
If I have my druthers, I prefer to practice in the early morning. I have always been a morning person. That said, as a full time high school teacher, husband, and father of two teenagers without driver’s licenses, I will practice anytime I can. I often get no chance to practice until 9 or 10 o’clock at night, and so that’s what I do. The frustrating thing is that I’m often so sleepy that I will literally be falling asleep while trying to play. Needless to say, that is not very productive! 🥱
I split my time in 3 sessions covering morning, afternoon and evening... then I can say anytime
I like the morning to wake me up on the instrument, run through technique and exercises for the first session. The second session, usually in the afternoon, is about working on music within pieces or passages and also read through new material. The last session, usually in the evening, is about playing and performing music. While I mostly stick to those 3 sessions, the amount of time and the focus in each change according to committed or unexpected goals and ongoing or unexpected life events.
Really envious of people here saying they can practice three times a day! Like many others, I'm pretty busy, but I try to get at least an hour in every day if I can. In the week this is usually after I finish/get home from work, so 7 or 8 pm. At the weekends it'll usually be in the afternoon.
Sometimes I get lucky and can do a longer practice, sometimes I'm unlucky and don't get one at all!