Week 1: Going North! 🧭

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  • For those who are looking at #11 there is a mistake on bar 20 which should be an open G instead of an open B for the last note of the 1st block. Doing an open B would somehow break the right hand pattern used everywhere in the piece and make it harder to do at the right speed. I also validated by watching Gulli performance of that bar and he's doing an open G.

    Good luck!

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    • Blaise Laflamme makes sense. 

    • Ronnull
    • Ron.3
    • 1 yr ago
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    Continued working on VI which I'm really enjoying. Also beeen going through the polyrhythm exercises at the start of VIII. I think the m-a-m fingering in the second half of  Ex. 2f should be a-i-a!

  • Had some time this morning to read through #IV.  Will keep polishing as the week goes on.  Great playing everyone.

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    • Rick Lord Sounding great, Rick! I find it difficult just navigating the notes on this one. Every measure is like a new permutation.

    • Eric Phillips Thanks Eric.  I agree, this might take some time to memorize!

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    • Rick Lord great reading and already sounding good! One thing I've experimented while reading the piece was that the pattern on bar 13 can be played with the same right hand pattern «almost» all the time, except at the end, with a few fingering changes.

    • Blaise Laflamme Thanks Blaise - will give bar 13 a closer look.

      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 1 yr ago
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      Rick Lord Love it! Great job Rick! Makes me want to work on this one next!

    • Steve Pederson Thanks Steve. I think #IV is a keeper. Actually makes a good warmup exercise as well. Best, Rick

    • Rick Lord bravo Rick sounds great 

    • Rick Lord great playing. Quite demanding to get all fingers L&R  in place in time in first reading. You're very secure and it really  sounds great.  I have some doubts about the rhythm in bars 27-32. I hear the 4th beat (2  8th notes) come a bit early. But Eric and also Gulli play it the same. Could any of you working on this one shed, your light on this fragment? Would be helpful for me. 

  • here's my take on Landslog 1, yes should be memorized to play legato. I am working on 1 to 5



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      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 1 yr ago
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      Vilio Celli Great work Vilio! And your guitar sounds really nice! 

    • Vilio Celli beautiful Vilio. Agree with Steve, the sound is so great. Looking forward to hearing your take on the other pieces. 

    • joosje thanks joosje using a zoom h2n mic

  • Worked on no. III yesterday a little and a little bit today. Nothing too extensive.

    Hard part for me on this one is trying to emphasize the bass notes as melody without accidentally emphasizing the pedal points that are played simultaneously. The pedal points seem to be loud when the melody is played but soft when they are played alone. I don't know if this makes sense. Also another challenge I'm coming up against is the vibrato I try to place on the bassline seems to not make a significant difference. Vibrato definitely has been a challenging technique for me so it could be the quality of my vibrato, but I was thinking it could also just be that on the lower notes it's not as obviously heard.

    What was easy for me was measures 23-the end, also I believe I have the harmonics at the end pretty clear and loud.

    Been struggling to get to practicing these last two days because recently I had a big change in my schedule and I'm trying to adjust to that.

    • Austin Flemming playing multiple notes with different volume is indeed a hard task. One tool is to use different colors, or timbres, for lets say the top pedal and for the bass melody, that way you create a separation of context. For the bass line you can change you angle a bit to have more pression then a louder sound is created but you definitely have to find a way where in your head both are separated, musically speaking, to ensure your mind kind of control the action. Hope this helps a bit 😅

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    • Blaise Laflamme thank you! This definitely helps!

    • Austin Flemming During the last two-week intensive Borbala Seres taught an exercise specifically to address the first of your comments, how to accent one note while playing a chord. It's part of my daily routine now. It's exercise 2 and the sheet music and video are here. 


      Let me know if you can't access it. 

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      • David
      • David.39
      • 1 yr ago
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      Steve Price Hi Steve, I cannot access the "Perfecting Musical Expression With Borbála Series" Two-Week Intensive. It's asking for a code.

    • David Hey David, I updated the link in my post with the public page. Try that one and let me know 

  • I have number #2 pretty much done, now isolating the troublesome spots on #3 prior to giving it a full run through. Trouble spot 1 is keeping the 3 against 2 feel in bar 7, it seems pretty straight forward. Hopefully have it by end of week.  I'll post #2 and #3 together. 

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  • One caveat to number #3 is bringing out the bass over harmony. Controlling the pressure independently between i-m-a and p I find is difficult to say the least. It seems i-m always want to follow p inward when p is applied with force. One method I am using to practice is measure 1 and 2 all open string, ever so lightly pluck with i-m, barely audible, and then pluck "A" string with p as hard as you can keeping  i-m and the same barely audible volume. To me its not as easy as it sounds. 

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