Week 1: Going North! 
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the Landslög Challenge
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Okay, is it Landslög or Landslag? I've seen it both ways.
In any case, don't let the simplicity fool you! I'm finding these pieces are very exposed, and so different from anything I've done before. For those reasons alone I'm finding even the first couple of pieces to be very challenging. Getting the dynamics right, which seems to be such a huge component of this music, is probably the biggest challenge for me.
Here is #1. You'll probably hear my daughters in the background, even though I told them I was recording.
This was my first take, and they all went down hill from there.
One thing I find challenging in general, and with this piece it was measures 15 to the end, is that my i and m fingers sound really bad on the 4th, 5th and 6th strings. I have a really hard time not getting a scratching sound, so in this case I played strings 6 and 5 with my thumb.
And, yes, those are new lights hanging up on my wall. They look pink, but they're actually purple and give the room a really cool vibe when I don't have all these studio lights shining in my face!
I don't have the best recording equipment, just my iPhone, but here's my recording of Landslag I. Was feeling pretty self-conscious about recording and did multiple takes because my anxiety and scattered brain got the best of me and couldn't get through without stopping or me feeling bad about the recording. But after seeing some other people's recordings I feel a bit more confident and ok about the recording.
The hard part for me was getting good tone and control in my right hand. I also think I may have gone faster than the 76bpm which could have helped my recording if I allowed for it breathe a bit.
Nothing stuck out to me as particularly easy today in this piece.
Tomorrow I think I'll try to make it a goal to get no. II down and hopefully recorded. We'll see how it goes.
To all, thanks for your supports, suggestions and comments.
I started reading Landslog #1 . It is a fairly long process for me but I know I will eventually get there. I have done bar 1 to 8 so far and memorized each chord shapes.
I have one question:
Bar #7 - The chord (EDD) of the triplets change for (FDD) on the fourth triplet. What is the use of the natural sign before the F note. As the piece is in Am there are no sharps or flats in the Key signature.
I will keep learning a few more bars every day and try to work on some fluidity in the chord changes and keep the notes clear.
I will try to record my progress and post on next week 2 main thread.
I felt pretty good about this one, and a little less nerves today. I think going through Gulli's course on the piece really helped. I tried taking my time and slowing down with it more in comparison to the last one. Much more enjoyable of an experience.
I do have a question for both II. and III. There's a notation saying subito under the dynamic marking on bar 18 in no. II. and on bar 4 in no III. I googled that it means immediately or suddenly. First off I'm not sure exactly how that's supposed to sound and secondly is it connected to the dynamic marking or is it meant for the measure bellow it?
I gladly welcome any critiques.
I'm going to get started on no. III and see how that goes.