Week 1: Going North! 
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the Landslög Challenge
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Worked on no. I and II again today.
With no I., I'm pretty close to having it down, but one thing I had a hard time with was dynamics, knowing how to bring it to the appropriate level while also maintaining good tone. One thing I found easy with this piece was the memorization of it.
On II. I found switching chords smoothly a bit of a challenge, not really looking at dynamics for it just yet. One thing I found easy (I'm not sure if this counts) was feeling motivated and drawn to working on this piece.
This is such a great opportunity. Like Eric, I just missed the first Landslog challenge, so I will participate in this one. Wonderful music and, indeed quite a challenge, the last 4 especially. Btw, number eleven is ranked TB level 10!
I had a first look at the scores, and I’m not sure I’ll have much time, since I have to prepare a little program for an audition this spring. So, I will have to choose a few landscapes, watch Gulli’s courses, practice and visit Iceland
(not for now,)
Landslog X
Of numbers 7-11, I think this may be the only one I have any chance of being able to play. The rest are just beyond my technique level.
This piece is nothing but harmonics, and my biggest struggle was left-hand finger placement. To make the notes sound good, the left hand has to be very precise (especially for the ones on the 9th fret). It would be best for me to have the piece memorized, so I could look at my left hand the entire time and not have to look at the score. Memorization is not my best skill, however, and I'd need a lot more time to get this one down. As a result, some of the notes don't ring out well or are too percussive.
Here is my Landslag-I reading with a few minor clams. I feel this piece or all these pieces really need to be memorized so you can really focus on the visual aspect of the beautiful Icelandic country side Gulli evokes with each of these pieces. Hope I did it justice. Also played with Reaper video and added a bit of reverb to evoke more depth. I'll tackle II next.
Okay, is it Landslög or Landslag? I've seen it both ways.
In any case, don't let the simplicity fool you! I'm finding these pieces are very exposed, and so different from anything I've done before. For those reasons alone I'm finding even the first couple of pieces to be very challenging. Getting the dynamics right, which seems to be such a huge component of this music, is probably the biggest challenge for me.
Here is #1. You'll probably hear my daughters in the background, even though I told them I was recording.
This was my first take, and they all went down hill from there.
One thing I find challenging in general, and with this piece it was measures 15 to the end, is that my i and m fingers sound really bad on the 4th, 5th and 6th strings. I have a really hard time not getting a scratching sound, so in this case I played strings 6 and 5 with my thumb.
And, yes, those are new lights hanging up on my wall. They look pink, but they're actually purple and give the room a really cool vibe when I don't have all these studio lights shining in my face!