Week 4: The Grand Finale 🎉


Embark on a musical journey with our latest challenge, "A Fresh Start". It’s time to dust off that sheet music you’ve been eyeing and dive into a brand-new piece!


  • Challenge Start: Kick-Off on April 15th!
  • Duration: April 15th to May 16th
  • Watch Party: Join us on May 15th at 10 AM PST to watch selected submissions!


  1. Polish and Perfect: As we approach the end of the challenge, focus on refining your piece. Pay attention to dynamics, expression, and the nuances that make the music come alive.
  2. Final Submissions: It's showcase time! Submit your final performance video. This is your chance to shine and demonstrate how much you've learned and grown over the challenge.


  • Final Watch Party: Join us for the final watch party where we'll celebrate everyone's accomplishments and enjoy the beautiful music you've all created. Date and time to be announced soon!
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  • Prelude in C minor by Agustin Barrios Mangore

    This piece was on my wishlist and I'd got the score just a few days before this challenge was announced. First of all, let me reel out my excuses for the not so good audio/video quality. There's a lot of background/ambient noise. I'm still learning recording and editing as a complete dummy and my room isn't the best for recording. I've been experimenting, watching Martin's videos and researching online about these aspects and slowly I'm getting there I guess. I was racking my brains on how to autosync audio-video on da vinci resolve. I found an imperfect solution in this video.

    Regarding the piece, it really stretched my technical limits, especially my left hand. Barrios' music really touches me emotionally and after reading one of his biographies, I feel even more attached to his music. However, as beautiful as his music is, so is the difficulty level. I'm slowly discovering the crazy stretches and extended barres in his music. In short, he's a 'left hand killer'. But I also learned a lot while attempting to play this piece. I adopted some fingerings that I haven't seen anywhere else but felt suitable for me (although I'm not sure if they are technically sound or healthy for the LH). 

    I don't think I can ever be a fast player or want to be one, so I'm drawn to slower, melodic and romantic pieces. But not being a trained guitarist, I might struggle with rhythm and musicality. But I'm giving it a real go. There's still a lot to improve for me on this piece. I think I rushed a bit through it, the notes are not very clean in some spots and I need to improve on my tone colour (especially the melody notes). Another excuse, I'm still figuring out my nail shape, especially the A finger.


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    • Blaise Laflamme Thank you very much Blaise. Yeah, you got me there on the chord change🙂 as a good observer and teacher would.  The piece is so demanding on the LH that I had to pause a tad too long between chord changes. Also, this piece forced me to pay more attention to my breathing, LH pressure. I neglected the tension and posture in my attempt to play through. I need to be more observant of these things. Your comments are very appreciated 👍 

    • Nijwm Bwiswmuthiary Nicely done and such a lovely Prelude. 

    • Dale Needles thank you

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 7 mths ago
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      Nijwm Bwiswmuthiary Great work on this, Nijwm! Your progress is really impressive. This is sounding very good.

  • Hi All, a bit late to the challenge but I just got back from a five-week trip to France on May 1st and am just getting back into the swing of things. I also had to recover from covid which I got in France during my last ten days there.  Fortunately, I tested negative prior to flying home and am feeling pretty much back to normal.  In any case, here is my contribution to the Fresh Start Challenge, Abel Carlevaro's Estudio No. 2 - Homenaje a H. Villalobos.  

    I started to study this Estudio just prior to departing for France back in March, but after five weeks away from playing, it definitely felt like a fresh start to pick it up again.  It was written in the 1970s as part of five Estudios that Carlevaro wrote in homage to Villalobos, with whom Carlevaro studied and had a close personal relationship.

    The technical component of this Estudio is centered around the transversal movement of the left hand.  However, the right-hand arpeggio was also challenging as was the trying to get it up to speed which I still have a ways to go.  In any case, while this clearly still needs some work, I wanted to share my progress to date with you all. 

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      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 7 mths ago
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      Dale Needles Welcome back Dale!  Those transversal  movements while executing clear arpeggios, is quite challenging, but (as usual) you have full command as demonstrated here.  Thanks for sharing this with us, even after a tough ending (Covid...so sorry, man) to your great trip in France.

    • Barney Thanks. It is definitely a challenging Estudio and hopefully with a little more work I can smooth out the rough edges and speed it up. I hope to record the next take by the end of the month and post in the Carlevaro forum.  

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 7 mths ago
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      Dale Needles Great Dale!  I look forward to seeing your next recording.  Please tag me , so can look out for it.  thanks!

    • Dale Needles excellent Dale, again what a great sharing of your mastery of Carlevaro's music! 👋💪

    • Blaise Laflamme Thanks, Blaise. As you can see, this is another challenging study by Carlevaro, both in the technical as well as musical aspect. I still need to work on both but hope to put it all together soon. 

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      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 7 mths ago
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      Dale Needles Wow! Another challenging piece from Carlevaro, especially after presenting his Sonata! And being able to present this after a 5 week vacation! Great job, Dale.

      I was hoping to record at least a rough draft of BWV 998 Prelude but I just got back from 4 days in LA and I pretty much have to start over (not quite but it feels like it). I envy your ability to pick up after 5 weeks.

    • Jack Stewart Thanks, Jack. As I mentioned to Barney and Blaise, still some work to be done on this Estudio but it is coming along. Let's check in next week and see if we can find some time to get together. 

      • Jack Stewart
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      • Jack_Stewart
      • 7 mths ago
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      Dale Needles Sounds good. On all counts.

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