Week 4: The Grand Finale 🎉


Embark on a musical journey with our latest challenge, "A Fresh Start". It’s time to dust off that sheet music you’ve been eyeing and dive into a brand-new piece!


  • Challenge Start: Kick-Off on April 15th!
  • Duration: April 15th to May 16th
  • Watch Party: Join us on May 15th at 10 AM PST to watch selected submissions!


  1. Polish and Perfect: As we approach the end of the challenge, focus on refining your piece. Pay attention to dynamics, expression, and the nuances that make the music come alive.
  2. Final Submissions: It's showcase time! Submit your final performance video. This is your chance to shine and demonstrate how much you've learned and grown over the challenge.


  • Final Watch Party: Join us for the final watch party where we'll celebrate everyone's accomplishments and enjoy the beautiful music you've all created. Date and time to be announced soon!
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  • Stravinsky's Les Cinq Doigts - Andantino, Lento, Allegretto, and Larghetto

    This will be my final take on these. A couple of others in the set are doable on guitar but not by me at this point. Two others I'm not sure how they would work. The piano score is really dense and the transcriptions I've seen call for things like drastic alternate tunings and string mutes. 

    Thanks to the community for all the feedback and encouragement on this challenge. 

    Like 4
    • Steve Price so nice to hear them paired. Good progress too. I find this so inspiring. Thank you Steve.

    • Steve Price Really lovely, Steve! These would be a very welcome addition to any concert.

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    • Eric Phillips joosje Thanks so much for all of your input during this. It means a lot.

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 5 mths ago
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      Steve Price Great work on these, Steve!  I really enjoyed it!!

    • Steve Price Beautifully played. And the sound quality is so awesome. Wish I could have that kind of quality.

    • Barney Thanks a lot, Barney. I appreciate it. 

    • Nijwm Bwiswmuthiary Thanks a lot. I appreciate the feedback on the sound too. There's so much to learn and it's so complex but I'm happy with how it's progressing. It's all credit to Martin mainly but also a lot of trial and error and learning how all the equipment works together. 

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 5 mths ago
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      Steve Price This is such a great set of pieces which you play wonderfully, Steve. It is really nice to have a collection of pieces by Stravinsky for guitar. Perhaps a tribute to Bream's efforts.

  • Late entry for me as I was not expecting to participate in this challenge. A few weeks ago I started reading this piece, a bit before the challenge begun, and today (looks like yesterday as of now) I decided to produce this little video to commemorate the first anniversary of my mother's passing... I hope you'll like this beautiful work by Wolfgang Vedral.

    Like 6
    • Blaise Laflamme So beautiful, Blaise!

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    • Blaise Laflamme Very Beautiful and such a great way to commemorate and honor your mother. 

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    • Eric Phillips Dale Needles Thank you!

    • Blaise Laflamme Beautiful piece and playing. Really well done. 

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    • Steve Price Thank you Steve!

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 5 mths ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Very Beautiful, Blaise!!

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    • Barney Thank you Barney!

    • Blaise Laflamme     Such beautiful sound and tone. So good. 

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    • Michael Shirk Thank you Michael!

    • Blaise Laflamme  Such an exquisite piece and what a tribute you have paid by playing so wonderfully. Loved it.

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    • Nijwm Bwiswmuthiary Thank you Nijwm! 

    • Blaise Laflamme what a beautiful piece. And so well played (as always). Vraiment touchant.. merci, Blaise. 

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    • joosje Merci Joosje! 🙏

    • Blaise Laflamme this touched me even more so because my mother passed away now 6 years ago, the only person who knew me even before I was born. And it was she  also, who inspired me to start and continue my musical road trip. Thank you again for your beautiful music, Blaise.

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    • joosje thank you Joosje for being touched, I was close to not posting it... 😅... I feel you and I offer you my delayed sympathies... it's a terrible and confusing loss... I'm happy that she inspired you for music because you were made for it!

      • Jack Stewart
      • Retired
      • Jack_Stewart
      • 5 mths ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Beautiful, Blaise - both the piece and your playing. This is a very moving tribute to your mother. Thanks for this.

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