Recording Discussion Club
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm in the forum and in the live streams, I hope the tonebase academy recording course was as educational for you as it was inspirational for me!
I urge you to put all the techniques you have learned over the course of this five weeks into regular practice, your recordings will only get better, you will discover more details and nuances not only in the technical process but also in your performance. I kept highlighting how important recording is as a feedback tool for yourself, listening back to your performance with an objective distance gives you great insight into your musical personality!
I created this topic as hub for all of your recordings you want to share in the future, I will post recordings of myself and of other musicians in here for you to enjoy, discuss and learn from! If you have any questions to the videos, feel free to post them as a reply to the video, if you have general questions on one of the lesson topics, post them in the dedicated forum topic to create a shared knowledge base for each of the topics!
The recording doesn't need to be a video, you can only share an audio file with us as well!
When share your recording, let us know about your mic placement, your editing and your signal processing with this template:
[introduce your recording with some words about the piece, why you decided to record etc.]
Mics and Mic Placement:
Interface (if applicable):
Plugins used:
I want to start with a piece that is very dear to me, a composition by Ralph Towner called "Always by your side", which was my very first solo release after a very, very long time!
Mic Placement: 2x Sennheiser 8020 placed 35cm apart in front of the guitar (using the outer screws of the K&M 236 stereo bar)
Interface: RME Fireface UFX II
DAW: Sequoia 15
Editing: Assembled from 3 takes using video synced edits
Processing: No Compression, Low Cut at 50Hz and High Shelf 5000Hz +3db, Normalized to -0.1db
Plugins used: Izotope Ozone Mastering Suite, Altiverb 7, bx_digital V3
NLE: Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
Ciao Martin, ecco il lavoro di oggi, registrato con ZOOM H4n, inserito in Reaper, con tracce singole come ci hai insegnato, prima ho usato il De noise, perché c'era del rumore (la televisione di mia moglie
) equalizzato con Pro-Q3 (fabFilter) che Non compro (troppo costoso) per l'Acon Digital Verberate Basic2 Reverb (gratuito) Ho seguito un po 'le vostre indicazioni e sono andato un po' a orecchio, Con Davinci Resolve ho fatto la sincronizzazione, le transizioni, i titoli e alla fine anche l'ho schiarito, perchè erano un pò buie, aspetto qualche consiglio e ti ringrazio per queste lezioni (spero ce ne siano altre).
Hi Martin,
Here is a rough recording of Serenata Espanola by Malats. Please excuse the performance as it needs lots of work (Several mistakes). I wanted to submit something with some range and density for your evaluation of recording sound.
This is recorded with 2 Line Audio CM4 Mics in ORTF position. The Stereo bar is about arm's length from top of guitar (1964 Jose Ramirez with Cedar top and RC Recital medium tension strings)
Interface is the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. Gain on both channels up to about 70%.
No editing or dynamics processing were performed..Thanks!!!