Recording Discussion Club
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm in the forum and in the live streams, I hope the tonebase academy recording course was as educational for you as it was inspirational for me!
I urge you to put all the techniques you have learned over the course of this five weeks into regular practice, your recordings will only get better, you will discover more details and nuances not only in the technical process but also in your performance. I kept highlighting how important recording is as a feedback tool for yourself, listening back to your performance with an objective distance gives you great insight into your musical personality!
I created this topic as hub for all of your recordings you want to share in the future, I will post recordings of myself and of other musicians in here for you to enjoy, discuss and learn from! If you have any questions to the videos, feel free to post them as a reply to the video, if you have general questions on one of the lesson topics, post them in the dedicated forum topic to create a shared knowledge base for each of the topics!
The recording doesn't need to be a video, you can only share an audio file with us as well!
When share your recording, let us know about your mic placement, your editing and your signal processing with this template:
[introduce your recording with some words about the piece, why you decided to record etc.]
Mics and Mic Placement:
Interface (if applicable):
Plugins used:
Regarding the comment I just made about Reverb level affecting overall volume of the recording, I did not mention that I reduced the left channel volume fader in Reaper by about 6db, as you indicated it was too loud by that amount. That obviously is really the main cause of the overall volume reduction. It is now too quiet.
So now the balance between Right and Left channels is good, and I think the Reverb sounds nice, but overall the recording is now too quiet. Please note the CM4 mics ORTF are about arms length, and the Focusrite gain on both channels were recorded at about 75% gain.
What would be the best solution to reach a proper overall volume at this point?
Hello everybody!
I wanted to share my second anime music project. Here is "Lilium", which is the OST of Elfen Lied anime series. I transcribed it myself from the original one, in which the melody is performed by a soprano. My first recording was few weeks before the recording course. After the course, I decided to record it again with the valuable knowledge coming from martin , thanks again for that. The course was all I needed, and I wasn't able to find anything about recording as useful as the course content before. This was a really great chance, and my recordings have really improved since then.
Mics and Mic Placement: Mono AudioTechnica AT2020 cardioid mic, 30-40 cm apart
Interface (if applicable): Behringer UMC204HD Sound Card
DAW: Ableton Live
Editing: Multiple recordings for difficult parts. Performance is playback
Processing: Equalizer (highpass filter and little modifications), reverb
Plugins used: None
NLE: After Effects for intro and background animations, Filmora Wondershare 9 for all other video editing
Dear Recording Enthuisiasts! We have another Excerpt Masterclass with Rene Izquierdo coming up and I invite all of you to put your newly acquired recording skills to good use to get wonderful insights by our regular LIVE guest Rene!
Gokce Turkmendag Barney Blaise Laflamme Giuseppe Gasparini david robinson Olli Robert Vilio Celli joosje Debbie
AAAaaaaaand since this is the Recording Discussion Club, I'd like to share with you a recording I did with tonebase guest Arturo Castro Nogueras!
Mics and Mic Placement: 2x Sennheiser 8020 in AB main pair configuration and 2x Audio Technica 451b in ORTF
Interface (if applicable): RME Fireface UFX II
DAW: Sequoia 15
Editing: Editing has been stitched together from 2 concert days and 8 different performances. All these edits have been performed in a way that I can hand over the audio files with embedded markers so that the video editor knows where my edits have been done so
Processing: Subtle Low Cut (since the Sennheisers are so bass heavy) and very subtle compression to bring up the loudness for video. Further more audio restoration in Izotope RX since it's a live recording
Plugins used: Nimbus for envelopment, Elysia Alphafor compression, Fab Filter L2 for limiting
NLE: I didn't do the video this time (has been done by my dear colleague Anton Dann), he worked with Davinci Resolve.
martin Do you have a recommendation for a fair-priced ribbon microphone with figure 8 similar to the CM4 you suggested for cardioid? And/or provide suggestions for low/mid/high price range? Also there is a difference between using a passive one with its own dedicated preamp versus an active one with the same preamp as the cardioid one?
Dear Martin, hope you're doing well !
Here is a new piece for guitar I want to share. It is called "espagnolades" from French composer, my arrangement. I send you a dry and a mixed file, let me know your feedback !
Mic Placement: 2x C414 XLS, AB placement, omni-omni polar setting, placed 60cm apart from the bridge, at shoulder height, slightly to the right, pointing to the bridge (using the AKG stereo bar), Gain 36
Interface: RME Fireface UFX +
DAW: Logic Pro X
Editing: Assembled from 3 takes
Processing: Compression, EQ, Reverb and Limiter (see attached files)
Plugins used: just Logic's
best regards
ps: what do you thing about Totalmix dynamics and effects for recording ?
Hello Martin ,
after a few months of participation in courses and challenges I finally managed to produce what I can call a «first audio-video publicly shareable»
... thank you so much for all the guidance you have provided us!
For the recording I've used a NoHype Audio SRM-1 stereo ribbon microphone in blumlein configuration paired with a pair of Line Audio CM4 cardioid microphones. They were placed about 24 inches right in front of me and they were connected to a Sound Devices MixPre-6 II preamp. I've used Logic Pro X as my DAW and edited the final audio out of 3 takes. I've added a bit of reverb, low and high pass filters and a bit of work on the 200hz range and applied a basic mastering setup at the end. The video was done in Final Cut Pro X out of two cameras angles using a green screen.