Week 1: Composing Etudes: Kickoff!

Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the composition challenge!
- Make sure you've read the guidelines before replying (<- click)
- Watch the kickoff livestream to get ideas on how to write etudes
New prompt (!)
Follow these steps for this week:
- Post one aspect of your playing you would like to improve (your etude prompt)
- Choose one etude prompt that somebody else posted
- Begin writing a sketch focusing on the prompt you've chosen
- In preparation for week 2, post any sketches you would like to receive feedback on in the week 2 livestream here (<- click)
- (Optional) Along with your submission for week 2's live stream, provide questions or problems you've encountered while writing that you would like me to address specifically
Don't worry, this will all make sense once you watch the kickoff livestream!
↓ Reply below with your updates and questions! ↓
A technique I struggle with a lot these days is having a right hand finger (or thumb) placed on a string without plucking that string. This could be done for reasons of damping, for right hand preparation, or simply for stability. I find it very difficult to do this, and would love an etude that helps me to work on that.
Artificial harmonics, especially when your left hand is not available because it's on a fret and your right hand has to do the harmonic and sound the string. Also getting clean sounds for harmonics on 5th/7th frets (12th seems relatively easy). I was mesmerized by Koshkin study #9 but that piece is way too advanced for me as an "etude" for harmonics.
I guess I didn't realize (or didn't read carefully) the rules until today because I spent last week working on an etude/study for this, but not sure if I can post a response to my own prompt?
Study in Harmonics walkthrough
Here is a walkthrough of a etude I wrote that has a simple four-measure melody played with a variety of harmonics, as requested by Brett Gilbert above. The video walks through each of the variations. The score is attached.
BTW, I could not figure out how to notate harmonics in Musescore, so like Brett, I downloaded the 30-day trial of GuitarPro.