Group 2

Hola tonebuddies and fellow guitarists united against tendinitis!

We are absolutely thrilled to announce an exclusive opportunity for our community of classical guitarists: a "Two Week Intensive" course on "Effortless Left Hand Slurs" with the world-renowned guitarist Arturo Castro Nogueras!

This unique course is designed to provide in-depth insights into the correct way to do free and rest stroke left-hand slurs while keeping a relaxed and healthy position. Throughout the two weeks, Arturo will share his best advice for staying away from unfruitful tensions, and unnecessary musical accents, a way to build a solid technique and a smart interpretation, enriching your playing and enabling you to truly understand and convey the passion behind this beautiful musical technique.

During the course, participants will be immersed in the rich physiological and musical inner workings of left-hand slurs, while receiving personalized guidance from Arturo himself. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for classical guitarists looking to enhance their technical capabilities.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from a true guitar maestro, and make sure to share your thoughts on the event name. We can't wait to see you at the Two Week Intensive with Arturo Castro Nogueras!

🎵 Happy slurring, amigos!



  • Course Period: June 14th - June 27th
  • Optional check-In via Zoom: June 19th, 10am PST


Part 1:


Watch Arturo's Introduction to Slurs and record yourself playing the initial exercises!

  • Hammer-On
  • Pull-Off (Pull-Down and Lifting-Up)
  • Feel the hand first and work through all finger combinations!

Part 2

Hello everyone! Here's my second video with more advanced exercises for improving your left-hand slurs!

  •  We do an exercise by Barrueco for improving finger independence during a fixed position and doing slurs. Keep it on the safe side and don't over do it! It's all about the feeling in your hand.
  •  Importance of putting down both fingers when you do a pull-off (the first and second note or in several notes' pull-offs then all the notes you are playing).
  • Another exercise taken from a piece recommended by one of our friends in the course. Scroll down to find the screenshot.


Hello everyone! Here's my third video talking about three of my favorite etudes for improving your left-hand slurs!

  • Carcassi: No. 4 Op. 60
  • Egúrbida: No. 1
  • Brouwer: No. 7


Hi everyone! Here's my last video for this TWI titled ''Effortless Left-Hand Slurs.''

In this video I talk about three etudes which are a bit more advanced, but done well do wonders for improving your left hand technique. (This video is a bit longer than the rest, so I added the time mark so you can go to each individual piece).


  • García de León: El Río   (0'58)

  • Brouwer: No. 9               (6'00)

  • Villa-Lobos: No. 3          (12'14)

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    • martinTeam
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    • martin.3
    • 1 yr ago
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  • Hello, My name is Jeffrey Sieth and I am looking forward to this opportunity to improve my left hand technique. I studied music and guitar in college in my teens and 20's before having a family and several non-musical "careers".

    Since retiring in 2012 I have been more focused on guitar once again. I play in the Gateway Guitar Quartet in St Louis. 

    • Hi Jeffrey Sieth !

      Nice to have you here! Looking forward to answering any questions you may have and hope that left hand feels everytime more relaxed. I have a small anecdote to share: one of my first teachers use to tell me how nice it felt just to play the guitar under a tree while enjoying nature, haha, a young me thought this was impossible because of how tense my hand would be sometimes, I would never be able to enjoy something like that! Nowadays, after working tons of left hand technique I enjoy very much playing much much more! :D

  • My name is Michel.  I have been playing classical guitar since i am 17.  I took private lessons for a few years and then stopped when i went to college. I then played on and off.  I got back to guitar 6 or 7 years ago as i am approaching retirement.   


    I studied and practiced the slur exercises in the Tarrega manual and also in the Carlevaro book 4. I am happy  to be given the chance to participate in this intensive course.  I am looking to improve my slurs and pull-offs (2, 3 and 4 notes) and parallel ones .  I believe this will also help improve my execution of mordent and trills.   Already, this first introduction with the emphasis on relaxation is certainly a great advice.  I am not sure how and when it will make sense to send videos and if there will be feedbacks .  Can we ask questions and get answers from here ?

    • Hi Michel Giroux ! Nice to have you here! Feel free to ask any question you want and send videos so I can help you more directly. I'm sure also other participants can benefit from some of you questions :D

  • Hola Arturo Castro . Solo quería compartir que tuve la suerte de verte en concierto en San Juan el año antepasado y me encanto. Estoy muy emocionado de aprender contigo en estas dos semanas. ¡Gracias por compartir tu conocimiento con nosotros!  Incluyo el video del primer ejercicio.

    • Hola Raul Guzman Vidal ! Qué alegría leer tu mensaje. Para mi es un placer estar aquí. En cuanto a tu video se ve muy bien, hay que tener cuidado con los ligados descendentes, que una vez que tocas la nota no añadir más fuerza sino menos. Otro ejercicio que te recomendaría es (en ambos, pero puedes empezar con los ascendentes) es tocar la primera nota, esperar un par de segundos y después hacer el ligado. Durante este tiempo de espera, te aseguras que tu dedo está en control y relajado antes de moverlo. Así también de das tiempo de observar tu cuerpo y tus músculos. Sé que al principio no es fácil pero una vez que domines esto tendrás mucha más libertad y control sobre la música que tocas :D déjame saber qué tal!

    • Arturo Castro Nogueras Muchas gracias por las recomendaciones. He notado que al esperar varios segundos antes de tocar la nota me ha ayudado a quitar tension de la mano durante el ejercicio.

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    • Barney
    • Barney
    • 1 yr ago
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    In Pumping Nylon, can someone direct me to the page with the fixed finger Slurs?  I  see the Independence exercises with fixed fingers, but they are NOT Slurs.  Thanks guys!!

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    • Barney thank you so much for pointing this out. I got confused with Odair's favorite exercise that is in fact in Pumping Nylon. The exercise I mention I saw it live in a masterclass with Barrueco and it is not on PN. Nevertheless, it is a great exercise and I recommend it. 

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Arturo Castro Nogueras Got it!  Thanks Arturo!

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  • Here's the fragment of the song I mention.

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    • Barney
    • Barney
    • 1 yr ago
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    Here is a single take I did of the Brouwer #7. 

    I see some problems, but would like your input.

    In the first measure, would it be better to use p-i-m-a, where "a" plays the open B string (rather than "i")?  I'm not sure why my open "g" note is not sounding clearly...  or perhaps I should just practice the first two triplets slowly, listening carefully for clarity.  What do you think?

    Please let me know your comments.  Thanks!!

    • Barney Hi! Thanks for that awesome video. I think you're doing a great job! About the "p-i-m-a" in the first measure, I think that is totally doable if it's easier for you. I tried it this morning out of curiosity and it is an interesting alternative. Personally I like the control I can get from putting "i" as soon as possible. If you chose to do it with "a" just be careful that you don't pull your hand upwards and as a consequence being late with the next finger (must probably "m"). What do you think?


      To improve what you recorded I would practice it with different rhythms, from very slow as triplets to dotted eighth notes and sixteenth notes, just the change (first four or seven notes). Be creative, also a metronome could help. I liked the dynamics though ! Keep it up.

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Arturo Castro Nogueras Thanks Arturo!  I appreciate your suggestion about the rhythm practice.  I will try it. 

      Like 1
    • Barney I'm glad to read that! All the best !

  • Hola Arturo Castro Nogueras Aquí estoy practicando el etude de Carcassi.  Agradezco cualquier sugerencia que me puedas dar. 

    • Raul Guzman Vidal Hola! Muchas gracias por el video. Veo que has practicado con mucha calma y pendiente de los cambios, las posiciones etc. Me gusta mucho! Ahora hay que ensamblarlo. Es como en una construcción conseguiste los planos, los materiales, ya hiciste la zapata, ahora hay que organizar todo. Empieza por poner un metrónomo en un tempo bien bien cómodo y tratar de hacerlo fluido, un par de compases a la vez. Y vas viendo como se siente. Así evitas las pausas entre los acordes y empieza a sonar organizado. Lo has intentado ya así? Déjame saber :D saludos!

    • Arturo Castro Nogueras Gracias por las observaciones y sugerencias. Ya comencé a tocar a una velocidad lenta junto al metrónomo. Espero graduarme de esta pieza y así poder tocar la próxima que nos enseñaste del compositor puertorriqueño. He aprendido muchas cosas nuevas en estas dos semanas. ¡Muchas gracias por todo maestro!

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    • Raul Guzman Vidal gracias a ti! Llego a PR a mediados de junio y estaré un par de meses. Si quieres lo podemos ver por ahí en persona. Puedes escribirme por Facebook o Instagram. Muchos saludos!

    • Arturo Castro Nogueras Suena fantástico! Me estaré poniendo en contacto a través de las redes. ¡Muchas gracias!

  • Hey guys, thanks for your time and for joining me in this TWI. It was fun, let me know if you have any further questions. All the best!

      • Barney
      • Barney
      • 1 yr ago
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      Arturo Castro Nogueras Thank you very much Arturo for your wonderful guidance during this TWI.  It was very helpful.  Hope to see you again soon on Tonebase!  All the best, Barney

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