Week 3: ... and Fire 🔥

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  • Week 3 - Time flies

    I did practice Landslög I - a few times a day over the last week. I am now able to play out of memory and progressively increase the tempo to 120 bpm from 85 bpm last week. Finally, I was able to put both hands in the camera image....😂


    Here is take 2

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    • Blaise Laflamme Thanks Blaise for your comments. I keep working every day on the piece and will post another video late next week. 

      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Andre Bernier Way to go Andre! This is smooth and steady. You got it! It's coming along very nicely! 

      One thing I noticed, and it's very subtle (plus, others and I have been discussing our own challenges with this in other threads): you seem to be scooping the string with your i finger. When you do that on the 4th, 5th or 6th strings it scrapes against the wound string. Perhaps see if you can attack the string a bit more quickly or see if you can come at it at a slightly different angle. 

      I know there may be "bigger fish to fry" when it comes to things to work on, but maybe just something to be aware of. 

      As for Blaise's comment on the headphones, I agree. It's very difficult to monitor yourself when recording. I have found monitoring myself to not be helpful. I am much more relaxed when not listening to what I'm recording while I'm playing. I've found it much more helpful to just record, and then listen back with headphones afterwards. 

      Keep up the fantastic work! 

    • Steve Pederson Thanks Steve for your comments. I really appreciate both elements you did mention.

      1- After reviewing the video a few times, I understand what you mean. So far I think it is coming from the fact I am using my  pinky finger as a support. This is from my acoustic finger picking experience. On the high strings (1,2,3) I still have enough room to generate the pluck from the big joint of the i finger. However, when I am playing the low strings (4,5,6) and still use my pinky finger as a support; I do not have enough room to generate the pluck from that joint. I then use the middle joint which generates that scooping you mention.  I am working to reduce the use of this support but it is a tough habit to change... work in progress.


      2- The use of the head phone is essentially to hear the metronome I am using from my computer. The volume is low but would still be too high when I record the video. It is why you can see that my right ear is not fully covered with the headphones so I can hear the sound of my quitar. I still need to use a metronome as I have a tendency to speed-up too much during the performance to a point where I have a hard time to execute the chord changes.


      Thanks again for your comments. It is always helpful.

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      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Andre Bernier Got it! I didn't know you were using the headphones for a metronome. That totally makes sense. Yeah, that right hand stuff is tricky. I think part of it just has to do with the fact that that the first three strings are nylon, and you could run fingers from both hands up and down all day long without a squeak, but those 4, 5 and 6 strings man... 

      You got this! 

    • Steve Pederson
    • The Journey is My Destination!
    • Steve_Pederson
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Landslög 3

    Man, I'll tell you what, I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself. I know I'm not supposed to make funny faces when I make mistakes, but I've been working real hard on this piece, and I screwed up in a couple spots that I rehearsed most! 🤨

    The most difficult measures for me in this piece are mm 17-21. I will tell you...I really don't like them! That stretch between the i and the a finger to go from the fourth string to the first string...I've never had to do that before. I just doesn't feel natural, and it's hard to get a good sound for some reason. 

    I even cheated in measure 13 and played the high E on the second string so I wouldn't have to do that stretch there. I think it worked. 

    I enjoyed many of the elements of this piece, though, in all honesty. I like how it is challenging me. I think it's a keeper, and my daughters say they love to hear me play all these "strange and different" pieces. 

    I'm not sure if I'm going to continue with this challenge for now, though. I have a huge gig coming up in a couple weeks for my church where I have to learn like 25 new songs. 😮 Lots of work to be done!

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    • Steve Pederson very good work Steve, don't be too hard with yourself, I know what you mean when you practice a lot some spots and you kind of fail when you record... but we're just having fun and learn together and I always enjoy your content and your overall progress 💪. About right hand finger stretches you can take a look at Dale Needles diary, he's working on RH exercises by Carlevaro from his 2nd book and they are great to develop that aspect, among many others. Your daughters are right, this music sounds different while still having something you can relate to, it's beautiful music. While you're telling about your church gig, why not play those Landslog there 😅... joking aside goos luck with the gig! 

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    • Steve Pederson  Well done Steve. Great performance. Thanks for sharing and good luck with your huge gig .... 25 songs is a big challenge.

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      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Thanks Blaise! I will take a look at those studies for sure. And, I don't think that's an entirely bad idea to play some of these Landslög pieces for a quiet church meditation time at some point. 😉

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      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Andre Bernier Thanks Andre! 

    • Steve Pederson you're right some of them would certainly fit the meditation mood.

    • Steve Pederson great job Steve., it's not just sit down and play. All these pieces demand  full concentration and some endurance to get them in your system so you can make them sound. I agree with you, what is so attractive is that these pieces make you want to play them better than just first sight reading....

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      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 2 yrs ago
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      joosje Thanks Joosje! And well said! 

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Steve Pederson Great, Steve! Sounding great and the tone is amazing! Bravíssimo! Good luck with the gig!

  • time flies, very true. After my attempt last week on IV and IX I started working on XI. It's a fascinating piece but I cant get it presentable before the end of the challenge so it will have to be for the third chance if there will be one. 

    All these pieces are in fact addictive as soon as you start practicing them. But to get even one phrase to 'perfection' is difficult enough.

    Number 5 is a challenge because of the tempolessness. Every note is so fragile and the balance between the voices is difficult to maintain.

    Number 6 is very melodical en that's what I feel nore comfortable with. I can't say, though that it is easier than the previous ones, Musically it still needs more practice. 

    For my own conscience I needed to take another chance at nr 4. It's still not good enough I find, but it feels a bit more free and easyflowing.  

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    • joosje Bravo Joosje; great performance. I really like #V. As you say, the ''the tempolessness'' makes this piece probably much more difficult (out of my own capability at this point of time) but it makes the piece so interesting and open for interpretation.  Thank you so much for sharing

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    • joosje beautiful Joosje, #5 is so well rendered, I very like what you're doing with these pieces.

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      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Really magnificent job on these Joosje!

      I love how you rolled the chords slowly in piece 5. I wouldn’t have thought of that, but I will try that now.

      Piece 6 was so beautiful.

      Piece 4 was really impressive. That’s a lot of notes! Very well played. 


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    • Andre Bernier Blaise Laflamme thank you so much

    • Steve Pederson thank you Steve. Yes, I found that rolling the chords made it easier to keep the pulse. Don't know why, just felt like that.  The pulse is difficult enough to keep in this piece....

    • joosje very nice! very fluid and great sound. 

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      • Bart Versteeg
      • Civil law notary with a passion for music
      • Bart_Versteeg
      • 2 yrs ago
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      joosje well done ! 

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    • Carlos Calderon thank you Carlos

    • Bart Versteeg  dank je wel Bart!

    • joosje this one I try next, happy to hear it with you on guitar! I cant manage to record any this time;-), thank you for posting!

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    • joosje I love your wonderful playing!

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