Week 3: ... and Fire 🔥

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  • I finally managed to record the first three this evening, in hope to let me enough time for #11. Even if they are short and simple they are not easy at all... but so beautiful... thanks Tonebase for commissioning this work, a unique addition to our guitar repertoire. BTW I'm not quite comfortable with spruce and nylon strings yet, but it's coming slowly! 😂

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    • joosje thank you Joosje, you're too kind! You're right it's still a young instrument that has a lot to develop and offer but already refined and precise. As a cedar top - carbon string guy I find it hard to find my bearings in terms of sound and at the same time very rewarding and motivating to discover a new world of possibilities.

    • Rick Lord thank you Rick, that means a lot! As previously said to Joosje, as a cedar player like you, I found it confusing at first because most of my references were put to the test! When I started playing music again I needed drastic changes, the switch for spruce as my main instrument was a one of them, and I thank life for having done it... I'm sure you'll like it, that'll bring out qualities of your already beautiful playing that you don't yet suspect!

    • joosje for #11... well... I hope to have enough time before the end, but my focus is on it 😅

    • Blaise Laflamme Loved your take on these. Really nice to hear what you bring to them and it gives me ideas on how to change my own phrasing. 

      I agree with you that we're lucky to have this commissioned set. I've been checking out some of his other pieces and I'm working up one that hopefully I'll be confident in by the end of the month.

      Congrats on these. 

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    • Steve Price thanks Steve! Well... still a bit rough, would need a bit more time to better render my ideas, but for now this is how I make them sound.

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      • Derek
      • Derek
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme  superb Blaise. Great dynamic control. I like the video too.

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    • Blaise Laflamme 

      Fantastic Blaise, I really enjoyed the 3 pieces. The way you are articulating and interpreting the music is  a lot of inspiration for me. Thanks for sharing

      👍 Bravo

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    • Andre Bernier Than you Andre, I'm happy you like them and even more if they give you ideas to tackle with.

      • Steve Pederson
      • The Journey is My Destination!
      • Steve_Pederson
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Brilliant and inspired playing Blaise! Absolutely beautiful, and with incredible tone! Do you want to come and play these at my church some time? 😁

      I also really like that you put the description of the piece as a text overlay on the video. Smart move.

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    • Steve Pederson thank you Steve for the kind words. That'd be a great idea to come and play over there but I suspect it's a bit far from here 😅. Yeah that helps having the text regarding what piece is being played, and if you watch it on my YT channel and open up the description I've also listed them as chapters (clickable) so you can jump trough them.

    • Blaise Laflamme great interpretation of I-III, it feels inspired … and great recording as well. 

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    • Carlos Calderon Thank you Carlos for the good words!

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      • Bart Versteeg
      • Civil law notary with a passion for music
      • Bart_Versteeg
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Wow, great playing!

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    • Bart Versteeg Thank you Bart 🙏

    • Blaise Laflamme sooo beautiful! and you sound  REALLY great on spruce and nylon...and the instrument is amazing! sooo beautiful. with warmth...and crisp...and dephth...I struggled one year and after 2 years I start to feel secure with my spruce and nylon, there is no cover and I had to learn to not overdose and to work more proper

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    • Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz thank you for the kind words Stefanie, the instrument is indeed wonderful and I'm working on it everyday to slowly adapt my playing to this new world and ensure a proper development of the instrument. I even put away my cedar to stop myself from comparing and focus on this one 😅. I'm happy to know you've been through a similar process, so far you're satisfied with this change?

    • Blaise LaflammeFirst I had trouble with the directness and honesty(does that word exist?) of the spruce, I did not dare to play my bassstrings hard, I was sooo unclean, but it comes and I am so rewarded with that depth and brilliant sound, the singing of the discant, oh I am so in love with my guitar, but I have to work a lot a lot more to hear what I want to hear;-) but it is a journey. I changed from Erics strings ;-) to Dynacore because of the noises. And I see this Lanslag is perfect to work on all those  issues!!!

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Blaise Laflamme Brilliant! You have played in a magnificent way, nice interpretation! Furthermore, your recording technique is also great, the sound is perfect, and even the cell intervention was on time! Bravíssimo! 👏👏👏👏

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    • Moyses Lopes thank you very much Moyses 🙏... haha... well... that's funny you're talking about the notification sound because the other one was my son who did it by liking a reel I shared him on Instagram a few minutes before starting the recording session. I was looking at the score on the iPad and I totally forgot to mute notifications 😅

    • Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz I hear you, you're right about the spruce being more focused, detailed and less forgiving than the cedar. I have to say that it fits well my style of playing and this is what I was looking for when I came back to music, I'm glad to finally have it! As you said it's also more demanding as everything is so clear and defined and then requires more precision and refinement. I used to play on Alliance Cantiga for the cedar but the carbon trebles are too bright on the spruce for my taste, I'm now using the New Cristal Cantiga, their nylon trebles, on the spruce and it works enough good. I'm not sure they are the best fit for the instrument but enough for now to express my ideas.

    • Blaise Laflamme yes, you have warmth

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    • Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz thank you, but I hope to find soon a string set that'll give me what I'm used to in term of playing, while being different since it's a spruce top guitar 😅

  • Always a week behind... posted in the wrong one, lol. Landslag VIII. This one reminds me a lot of the minimalist works that first drew me to classical music. Definitely challenging to read even though it's only 6 notes.

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    • Steve Price hey wow great take on this one, really like the fluidity and calm you bring to this one 💪

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    • Steve Price  This was a great performance Steve. How can you keep the beat so stable and constant? Do you use a metronome? 👏👏

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