Week 3: ... and Fire 🔥

Welcome to the Main Thread for the third week of the Landslög Challenge

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  • time flies, very true. After my attempt last week on IV and IX I started working on XI. It's a fascinating piece but I cant get it presentable before the end of the challenge so it will have to be for the third chance if there will be one. 

    All these pieces are in fact addictive as soon as you start practicing them. But to get even one phrase to 'perfection' is difficult enough.

    Number 5 is a challenge because of the tempolessness. Every note is so fragile and the balance between the voices is difficult to maintain.

    Number 6 is very melodical en that's what I feel nore comfortable with. I can't say, though that it is easier than the previous ones, Musically it still needs more practice. 

    For my own conscience I needed to take another chance at nr 4. It's still not good enough I find, but it feels a bit more free and easyflowing.  

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    • Stefanie Mosburger-Dalz thank you Stefanie., you're so kind. These pieces are great. It's quite new to me, but I reallyvenjoy working on all of them. 

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      joosje Bravíssimo, Joosje! So beautiful, but your recording of the number 5 is a masterpiece! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

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    • Moyses Lopes thank you Moyses

    • joosje Really nice work as always, Joosje . I especially liked hearing you play VI. It sounds so peaceful when you play it, but I struggle with it. Maybe because it seems to be in kind of an odd key for guitar that I'm not familiar with. 

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    • Steve Price thank you Steve

      • Bart Versteeg
      • Civil law notary with a passion for music
      • Bart_Versteeg
      • 1 yr ago
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      joosje : just wauw!

  • I started slowly playing through no. IV on Monday and haven't had the chance to really dive into understanding what is going on in the piece. It is much more of a mental stretch than I expected. Memorization on this piece seems pretty close to impossible for me. It is definitely an intriguing concept that I haven't worked with before. It might take much longer for me to get this one recorded. I might not even get the chance to, but I will try. I really like the sound of this piece. Thanks to everyone who has shared videos and their progress, it has been quite helpful in this challenge to not be so hard on myself, but also to be encouraged to push myself a bit.

    Best of luck to everyone finishing off this month!

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    • Austin Flemming Interesting, I share a similar feeling as you are expressing. I might do IV while reading the music as it is not coming easy on that end.

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  • I've been having a go at number 9 - eroded icy shoreline.

    As i'm playing i'm trying to imagine the eroded icy shoreline to try and get the right feeling for the piece. I'm a bit hesitant in the section where it goes higher on the neck but I think it will get smoother if I keep practising it! 

    A work in progress!! 

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      Andrew Gray this is sounding great! Bravo! 👋👋👋👋

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    • Andrew Gray 

      Very nice Andrew, It was nicely done. Such a beautiful piece of music. Thanks so much for sharing.

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    • Andrew Gray great Andrew! You have such a nice flow and evenness, I can see the icy shoreline when I listen with my eyes closed. Bravo!

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    • Andrew Gray That's a great performance, Andrew. Like joosje said the piece and playing really bring the image to life. Bleak and beautiful at the same time.

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    • joosje Thanks Joosje. It's a lovely compliment to know that the music is making you see or feel something as well as hearing it of course. It inspires me to practise!! 

    • Steve Price Thank you Steve. Like I said to Joosje, knowing that the music is making someone feel something inspires me to practise more!! :)

    • Moyses Lopes Thank you Moyses. 

    • Andre Bernier Thanks Andre :)

    • Andrew Gray bravo Andrew, this sounds beautiful and flows very well. 

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    • Moyses Lopes
    • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
    • Moses
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi, Tonebase mates! That's my contribution to this challenge. I listened to a lot of wonderful postings and all of them were so inspiring! I choose the number IX, but for sure I will study many of them later. Thank you all for your rich contribution!

    PS: I recorded in a brand new studio called The Kitchen... 😂

    Like 6
    • Moyses Lopes that's a fantastic rendition of this piece Moyses. Very secure and strong dynamics.  Nice sounding video, your kitchen is a bit like mine, very bright acoustics. Would be nice to hear some of the other studies from your hands. Maybe later?

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      joosje Thank you, Joosje! You're very kind! For sure it's a great idea to use any of my private studios... 😄 Maybe "The Yard" in the next community challenge, if it will not be cold, of course! Thank you for watching!

    • Moyses Lopes That's a beautiful interpretation of that piece. I really struggle with playing over the body so I really appreciate how you make that passage sound so seamless.

      I also like the sound and look of your "kitchen studio." The blue-painted tiles immediately reminded me of the time I spent living in the Azores. Really good memories.

      Looking forward to hearing more of your playing.

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    • Moyses Lopes beautiful Moyses, such great direction and voice control. 👋

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    • Moyses Lopes 

      Great performance Moyses. I really enjoyed listening.

      Thanks for sharing your performance and the location of your studio 👍

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      Steve Price Thank you for watching, and for your kind words. The Azores is a magic place, are they not? Falas português? I'm from Brazil, but for now, I'm living in Portugal. Regards!

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