Week 2: A Song Of Ice! 🧊

Welcome to the Main Thread for the second week of the Landslög Challenge

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  • Hello everyone,


    I enjoyed watching the videos of the beautiful Landslög pieces, I think the challenge deserved to be repeated as it was very special.


    I was busy last week so here is my recording of the first one, I will see if I can learn more.


    I specially love the first one which reminds me of York's snowflight when I play it.

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    • SULTAN BAMUKHIER I really enjoyed that, Sultan. You look so relaxed when you play and your movements are so efficient. I need to work on that. I thought this was really good.

    • Andre Bernier That's a good point Andre and it's one of the reasons I enjoy music so much. No two people will have the same take on a piece and everyone brings a bit of themselves to it. Very cool.

      • Jim King
      • Retired
      • Jim_king
      • 1 yr ago
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      SULTAN BAMUKHIER Very well done.  Quite enjoyed your take on this piece.

      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      SULTAN BAMUKHIER Beautiful! Bravo! 👋👋👋 And you play by heart!

  • I gave # IV a try. The difficulty in this study is to keep the flow and regularity without noticable  accents - like water flowing... Beautiful, evocative little piece, Gulli!

    I noticed in my recording that my rhythm isnt secure all the time. Especially in the opening measures. When I start the recording that's what happens sometimes. Ill go back to practicing this one with metronome again.

    I paid special attention to measure 25-32, beacuse of the rhythmic pattern in the upper voice. (The <a tempo> or <tempo primo> marking was missing I guess.)

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      joosje 👋👋👋👋 Bravo! I really like your posts!

  • OK Follow up with my first try of #IX. Maybe my favorite. For now anyway.

    It needs full concentration to bring out the voices. Every now and then I over accentuate some. Very difficult to find the ideal balance. You can hear it is new and not yet fully ready in my hands, and mind. I will keep working and learn it  a bit better - hope I can find the time. These weeks are somehow very busy.

    btw on my phone the <post video> button is not available. So I had to ask the help of my old laptop. It worked

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    • joosje 

      Both pieces you played were so beautiful. Your take on #IX was just spectacular. I hope one day I will be able to get close to your level of technical and interpretation skills. Thank you so much for sharing.

    • joosje That's really beautiful. It's a little out of my reach especially trying to play clean in the ultra-high register, but you really helped give me a better idea of how to approach some of the phrases. So nice, Joosje.

    • joosje Both of these are very beautifully performed. I'm hoping I can get to some of the more advanced pieces soon, but I'm not as advance in playing as I had hoped or thought before tackling these pieces. Thank you for sharing, I found it inspiring!

    • Andre Bernier Steve Price Austin Flemming thank you for listening!

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      • Moyses Lopes
      • Classical Guitarist and Electroacoustic Interpreter
      • Moses
      • 1 yr ago
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      joosje Beautiful, Joosje, You played so nice! Like you, the number IX is my favorite, I'll post my recording as well! Thank you for sharing!

    • Moyses Lopes obrigado Moyses. I look forward to hearing your interpretation. It's not the most challenging one  technically but has such great lyrical quality.

    • Jim King
    • Retired
    • Jim_king
    • 1 yr ago
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    Thought I would post an update on my attempt to learn Landslag I.  Been practicing this piece almost every day, and I'm getting close to being able to transition between the chords smoothly.  Also working on the memorization of which strings to pick.  At least it is starting to sound like the song.  Such is the life of a beginner!

    Also enjoying all of the postings in this Challenge.  Been learning so much from them.

    Like 2
    • Jim King  Don't give up Jim. I started from nothing on this piece just a week ago and I am now much more comfortable to play it. You will get there soon.

  • So I kind of struggled through this one. Here's the best recording I could do today and it's out of many attempts. I tried to really slow down, but I seem to get so caught up in the movement of the music and have a hard time maintaining slow and steady. Even though it's not very well held together (wish I would have landed the last harmonic a little louder, I was barely to the right of the node) and a few missed notes, I thought I'd post anyway to share my progress and to allow for any help with polishing it up. I might try to re-record it if that's advisable.

    A spot that was proving to be a challenge to me was trying to maintain that bass as a strong melody in M.12-14 and keep the A on M.30 ringing out above the open strings; the high E seems to want to have the attention, I was able to calm him down a bit by filing my 'a' fingernail a bit and focusing on really bringing out the A.

    Another issue is I don’t think my vibrato is very well developed, and I’m pretty sure my wrist has been starting to hurt because I’m not doing it the best way.

    Anyways, here it is:

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    • Austin Flemming Really nice, Austin. The bass was front and center the whole time including that a you mentioned. I think a good feeling vibrato will come with time. I know what you mean about having trouble holding it back. For such a short piece I think Gulli does a great job of putting in not one but two pretty significant dramatic builds so it's easy to get taken up with it. Congrats on this one and thanks for sharing.

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    • Steve Price thank you so much. Much appreciated!

    • Austin Flemming  Thanks for sharing Austin. For me, a beginner, It sounded very good.

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