Ernesto García de León – Preludio Op 26

A few days ago, I found this beautiful little piece that I just wanted to share. The score is on page 40 of the attached document.

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    • David Krupka
    • Amateur guitarist/lutenist
    • David_Krupka
    • 1 yr ago
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    That's beautiful, Eric! The extensive use of open strings here really gives this a luxuriant sound. (Very much enhanced by the beautiful tone you produce on your instrument!) The harmonic language reminds me a little of Sergio Assad's 'Valseanna'. Thanks for sharing!

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    • Ernesto
    • Ernesto.1
    • 1 yr ago
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    Engaging piece! Well done!

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  • Really beautiful. Thank you for this little moment of beauty. And for adding the score. 

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  • Thank you for adding the score, beautiful, Eric! 

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  • Thanks for this Eric - wonderful to listen to this morning. 

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  • 11 mths agoLast active
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