Tell us about a concert or musical event that has profoundly impacted you!

Hi tonebuddies!

One of the beautiful aspects of being a part of the classical guitar community is the bond we share over music's transformative power. It's not just about playing or listening; sometimes, it's about experiencing moments that resonate deeply within our souls. Those moments can be so potent that they become touchstones in our musical journey.

We've all had those magical experiences - a concert, a recital, or perhaps a masterclass - that have left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. Perhaps it was a particular piece, a virtuoso's performance, or even the ambiance of the venue that transported you to a different realm. Today, I invite you to share those stories with all of us.

  • Was it a legendary performer who captivated you with their skills and charisma?
  • Was it a piece you'd never heard before that spoke directly to your soul?
  • Or was it an unexpected moment, like a spontaneous duet or an impromptu street performance, that rekindled your passion for the guitar?

Sharing our experiences not only strengthens our bond as a community but also serves as a reminder of why we're drawn to the world of classical guitar. Moreover, by sharing, you might introduce someone to a piece, artist, or event they've never encountered before, fostering exploration and discovery.

Now it's your turn. Share your stories, reminisce, and let's revel in the collective love for the music that binds us together.

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  • I went to buy my first guitar, which was to be a steel string acoustic.  However, from the classical side of the music shop I heard an LP of Regino Sainz De La Maza playing Rodrigo’s Fantasia para un Gentilhombre. I walked out of the shop with a Spanish guitar and Frederick Noads Solo Guitar Playing book. 

    • Theophilus
    • Theophilus
    • 11 mths ago
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    There are a couple of concerts that really blew me away by the sheer effect of the performance

    1) Johannes Möller's first concert in Kolkata- it was such an impactful performance and with so much beauty of sound. It was right after he won the GFA. 

    2) Pavel Steidl also live in Kolkata had my jaw on the floor with his performance of 19th century music as well as some modern repertoire which included Domeniconi and his own composition. 


    I haven't forgotten the impact these 2 performances had on me and I saw other legends after these two. 

    • Theophilus
    • Theophilus
    • 11 mths ago
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    As a student, recordings of Julian Bream were a huge influence.

    The first video that I remember of a classical guitarist I saw ever was Pepe Romero and that was such an experience. 

    • Palmer
    • Palmer
    • 11 mths ago
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    John Williams used to come to Princeton every few years or so and always gave an incredible performance. The last time I remember him coming he played Koyunbaba as his last piece. I had never heard it, and was just entranced. To this day it casts a spell.

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  • For me, it was the last performance that I organized for Maestro Abel Carlevaro which took place in San Francisco in May 1989 at the Herbst Theater of the San Francisco Performance Arts Center.  At that time, I was the Executive Director of the Chamber Symphony of San Francisco as well as Maestro Carlevaro's US representative.  Maestro Carlevaro wrote his Concerto No. 3 for the Chamber Symphony of San Francisco and gave the World Premiere at that concert.  It was an incredible musical event to be a part of and to have contributed to.  The performance was a great success and had an immense impact on me.  It was also the last time I saw the Maestro perform and which makes it even more meaningful.  I have attached the final movement of the concerto which was recorded live at the world premiere.

      • ken
      • ken
      • 11 mths ago
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      Dale Needles Thank you so much for sharing.

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  • I recently attended an event that was a collaboration between the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and the St. Louis Holocaust Museum. This program, the first in a series called “Holocaust Composer Stories,” aims to shed light on the composers whose lives were impacted by the Holocaust.

    This program focused on the life and works of the Czech music prodigy and composer Pavel Haas who was murdered in Auschwitz in 1944.

    Following a presentation by the Director of Education from the Holocaust Museum, musicians from the St. Louis Symphony performed his String Quartet No 3 which he composed in 1937-1938. It was hauntingly beautiful at times but mostly full of tension and dissonance.

    After the final notes the audience applauded to recognize the musicians. Such a powerful performance. Yet I mostly wanted to sit in silence to process what I had heard and to honor the memory of Pavel Haas.

  • Pianist Vladimir Horowitz, I first heard around 1975. I have never heard any musician on any instrument filling the hall with such electrifying passion and virtuosity.

    • John Mai
    • John_Mai
    • 11 mths ago
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    Saw Hilary Hahn at a recital years ago play Bach's Chaconne, was an amazing, unforgettable performance.

    • Stephen
    • Stephen.3
    • 11 mths ago
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    I just came back from a Stephanie Jones recital at Benaroya hall in Seattle.   Stunning talent, to say the least.

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  • I attended Pat Metheny performing his “Orchestrion” tour.

    A witness to Transcendental Genius.

    (Full score, dvd can be purchased)

    • ken
    • ken
    • 11 mths ago
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    I took John Gilbert's (the great luthier) daughter to see Pepe and Celin Romero
    At Notre Dame in Belmont. I was able to meet Pepe during the intermission
    and he let me play his guitar and he offered to teach me if I would fly to Del Mar
    this I did and it was huge blessing in my life. It was amazing to see how warm and wonderful their family was. It was quite an emotional thing for me to be treated so kindly with such love.
    I got to celebrate Celedonio's birthday and take lessons from Pepe, Angel and Celin.

    I miss them terribly. I hope I can get a ride to his concert in San Francisco.

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    • ken Sounds like an amazing experience and one to be cherished. 

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