Sonatina 1 Giuliani op. 71

I am currently studying Giuliani's Sonatina Opus 71, No. 1 and find particular challenges in mastering its intricate fingerwork and dynamic balance. I have employed slow practice and isolation techniques. Any suggestions for improvement on interpreting dynamics, enhancing finger dexterity, or theoretical insights to inform my approach would be greatly appreciated.

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    • David Krupka
    • Amateur guitarist/lutenist
    • David_Krupka
    • 1 yr ago
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    You've made a good start with this, Jesus. The main thing you need to work on, I would say, is maintaining a steady tempo throughout the entire movement. What you are doing at the moment, probably without noticing, is playing each successive section a little more slowly than the one that precedes it, no doubt to accommodate the increasing division of the beat (i.e. from quarter notes to eighths, to triplet eighths, to sixteenths). I estimate that you begin with a robust tempo of about 100 bpm, but by the final sixteenth note variation, you are playing at about 66 bpm. So I suspect your initial tempo is beyond what you can realistically manage at present. If you haven't been practicing with a metronome, I strongly recommend that you do so. I would begin with a tempo that is very relaxed (say,  60 bpm) and gradually (over a number of practice sessions) work towards what you feel is 'correct' - perhaps 72-76 bpm is a reasonable target. I hope this is helpful.

    • David Krupka  Thank you very much. Yes, you are right. I tested it with a metronome and definitely I have to start slowly. I will follow your recommendations. 

      Like 1
  • Cool! Nice job. 

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