Level 9 - List Of Pieces (+ Discussion Space)


What to expect: 

In level 9, lessons focus on refining technique, developing speed, and quickly changing positions on the fretboard while playing in keys that are less idiomatic on the instrument .


Level 9 focuses on advanced techniques and repertoire. These lessons will require you to be able to bring out voices in the right hand with ease and highlight unique tones and textures. Often these lessons will incorporate more complex versions of previously learned techniques, such as slurs focusing on 2,3, and 4, as well as playing in more keys.

Skills covered:

  • bringing out independent voices
  • extended techniques
  • playing in less idiomatic keys
  • difficult slurs (left hand)
  • developing tone (right hand)

Selection of tonebase Level 9 Courses:

(In alphabetical order)

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  • Looks like I lied on the quiz! Some of this is a bit beyond me, though I don't know it all. Some of it I have played though not well

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      • Dominic
      • Dominic
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Mark Edwards  hi Mark, I'm really struggling to find the quiz, could you provide a link please?


      Like 1
    • Dominic Hi Dominic,  I got the following link in an email


      It seems I'm worse that I thought I was 😂

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  • How do you rate Danza Brasilera by Jorge Morel?

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Frederic Patenaude Hi Frederic, I would personally rate Danza Brasilera a level 8 or 9, because of its rhythmic complexity.

  • I finished the advanced classical guitar, but I need how to get the skill, techniques and repertoires for my hobbies. I hope to learn more in the Tonebase Guitar. 

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  • I’m not sure where to start on this level, do I just got down the list and work on all of these pieces? And when do I move onto the next level?

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Austin Flemming Hi Austin! The courses above are currently presented in alphabetical order. The beauty of tonebase is that you get to choose which repertoire you'd like to work on, in the order that you like and based on your own musical preferences! So feel free to pick and choose and spend as much time as you need on any one of those lessons listed above.

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  • Hi Austin, I was wondering the same. I recently returned to Tonebase after a break so this section is new to me.

    However, the impression I get is that these are just suggestions for lessons to work on at each level so you choose whichever pieces you want to work on. They are listed alphabetically so I don’t believe there is any reason to work through them in order or any requirement to do them all. 

    Since I’m getting back into this my plan is to start on one of the earlier levels and do a selection of pieces that most interest me. When I feel I’ve got them to a reasonable performance standard then I’ll move on to the next level. I don’t think I will follow it too strictly though.

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      • MirceaTeam
      • Head of Guitar
      • Mircea
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jaime Fernandez That is exactly right, Jaime! Thank you for taking the time to share your upcoming practice plans. Perhaps we'll get to see the results of some of that work in an upcoming community challenge! 😀

    • June
    • June
    • 1 yr ago
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    This is an *excellent* quiz for determining level. 

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