Catedral Barrios
Hello to all! These past few weeks I have been doing some retouch in Barrios' Catedral. It is already a piece I've worked in the past and I would like to try to record it. I'm practising it again with that goal in mind.
In the beggining of the video I'm including the way I approach the first movement as I practise it and in the end I'm playing the whole prelude. You will notice I put some words in Barrios music in some cases. Pardon me for that, it's not that I've done some research or have actual data that would really support my decision, it is just helpful for me, in an effort to have a clearer path while playing. Otherwise my fingers tend to do whatever they like, more or less...
I would really love to hear your ideas and suggestions!
Took some more care of the upper voice in the first movement.
Trying to maintain good quality sound as much as I can through the piece, but that makes me a bit slow at places. Especially in the third part... Needs more practise to clear the third movement and become more confident in the difficult spots.