READ ME FIRST: Guidelines for the Composition Challenge!

Welcome, everybody to the first ever tonebase Composition Challenge📝😎 Get ready to learn how to turn your musical ideas into finished pieces on the guitar.

5 weeks of composition oriented lessons, including a final watch party!

The What:

  • We will be learning about the composition process and all the stages toward producing a final short piece
  • We will learn how to start AND how to finish! (It sometimes feels like most people leave that second part out, huh! 🤓
  • The aim is to complete 1 assignment each week, and sharing your work in the updates page
  • There is absolutely no expectation to finish everything on time or to share your work, but it is HIGHLY encouraged. Advice or critique will be provided by me when requested
  • A watch party featuring your submissions will take part at the end (date below!)

The When:

  • 1. March 22nd: Prepare 
  • 2. March 29th: Develop
  • 3. April 5th: Draft 
  • 4. April 12th: Complete
  • 5. April 19th: Watch Party!

Challenge start: Monday, March 22nd 

Watch party:  April 19th (let's pop some popcorn together! 🍿)

The How:

  1. Watch the weekly livestreams every Monday to learn about each stage of the composition process and how to complete the weekly assignments
  2. Assignments may be completed in a notation software program, or using pen and paper! If you do wish to use digital notation programs, check out the livestream about different software options here.
  3. Feel free to post updates on your work in the weekly assignments threads.
  4. If you are comfortable with it, add a video or audio of yourself or somebody else performing it. This is optional, but it will give others a better idea of what your music is really supposed to sound. Otherwise, a midi recording from whichever notation program you choose works too!

I encourage you to post updates 1-2 times a week. No daily update expectation in this challenge! 

The Why:

  • Because music composition further develops our artistry
  • Because being able to write is just as important as to read and to "speak" (play)
  • Because we can inspire each other by sharing our ideas
  • Because the guitar deserves to continue being written for by people of all walks of life
  • Because we want to meet our fellow tonebase community members

The Fun Part:

  • All of it is fun!!!!!!!!!
  • At the end of the composition challenge, we will be hosting a Watch Party on tonebase LIVE! This will feature user final short piece submissions plus my own completed short piece!
  • This is planned for April 19th at 11 am Pacific


What if Monday at 11 Pacific doesn't work for me?

That's fine! All livestreams are available to view post-airing. Feel free to watch them on your own time and contribute in the forums!

Can I join the challenge if I wasn't there on March 22nd?

Yes! You can do everything at your own pace and at your convenience.

Do I have to share my music?

Nope! You are free to share as you wish and it's highly encouraged, but if feeling nervous about it is distracting you from completing your assignments then give yourself a break! 😊

I have a question, who do I ask?

Feel free to use this thread to ask any questions you might have about this challenge! If you would prefer to ask something in a more confidential setting, please use my email: [email protected]

Can I do more than one assignment per week?

That would be absolutely amazing and awesome and so good for your experience as a writer, so YES! 🤩

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  • Hi Ashley. The course seems to be very interesting. I just have one question. Are there any requirements to get onboard? What do the students must already know prior to taking the class? 


    Kind regards


    • José Espírito Santo Hey Jose! There are no pre-requisites necessary to join this challenge. The most helpful things to have are curiosity and an explorative mind :) Though I encourage everyone to use music notation (either hand-written or using software), you can also just submit audio files if necessary. Really hope to see you there! --Ash

  • Perfect, Ashley (Ash) Lucero ! I’m in! Thanks for the reply.

    Kind regards


    • José Espírito Santo Awesome! See you soon!

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
  • 4Replies
  • 258Views
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