2022: what I will study, learn and perform.

Hello to the whole Tonebase community.

Rituals are an important thing in communities.
Today is therefore a good day to take on the commitment of my study program in front of you and with you for the next year: the 2022. 

The music and the guitar accompany my life and I think yours too. 

As an amateur I only study the music I love and in relation to these I try to learn the necessary technique.

There is a lot of music that I like out there, there are so many guitar composers from the past and present that I love and at the top of the list are two authors in particular: 

the legendary and unforgettable Maestro Roland Dyens and the amazing Maestro Andrew York.

I want to play their entire repertoire that is within my reach. 

As a professional, I draw up budgets, i.e. programs to check, at specific times, the progress and achievement of objectives.
This is my personal guitar 's studies budget for the 2022. 


For the 2nd semester (July-December of 2022) I will study, learn and perform: 

"Tre Saudades" by M ° R.Dyens and the "Numen" suite by M ° A.York. 


In the 2nd quarter (April-June 2022) two arrangements and a composition by Maestro R. Dyens: "A Felicidade", “La foule” e "El Choclo" , and the "Glimmerings" suite by Maestro A.York.


In the 1st quarter (January-March 2022) three compositions by Maestro R.Dyens: "After Christmas feelings", "Angel's waltz" and "Tango en Sky" "; and three compositions by Maestro A.York": Quicksilver "," Shine "and" Mechanism ".


I am aware that the program is demanding but also that I can do it.
I like the challenges.

Of course I will try to post weekly "the progress of the works".


Peace, love and guitar to all of us.

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