Group 2
Improve your Arpeggios in Two Weeks with Evan Taucher!
Arpeggios are a fundamental part of guitar technique, but are you practicing them in a way where you will improve over time? Oftentimes we find ourselves stuck in the same routine with old habits that leave our arpeggios sounding imprecise and strained. Join this intensive to break out of the box and work on our arpeggios in a precise way that will challenge your mind, and then your fingers.
- Course Period: October 17th - 28th
- Optional check-In via Zoom: October 24th, 10 am PST
Assignment Video for Week 1
Please follow along and share a video of yourself with the exercises Evan is presenting in his video! Scores of Villa-Lobos Prelude no.4 and Giuliani op.48 no.5 attached!
Week 1 video submissions should include one or more of the following:
- preparation exercise with metronome on, playing one note per click
- accent exercise with metronome, cycling through accenting different fingers
IMSLP273551-PMLP444038-HVL-Preludes-Eschig Kopie
IMSLP273547-PMLP224198-HVL-Estudos-Eschig1953 (1)
The assignment Video for Week 2 will be shared after the Zoom Session on October 24th!
Assignment Video for Week 2
Week 2 submissions should include one or more of the following:
- pluck and relax exercise
- pimiaimi arpeggio
- pmimamim arpeggio
- pamamaia arpeggio
- a repertoire example (Giuliani Etude 5 op.48 or Prelude 4 arpeggios by Villa Lobos)
Hi Evan,
I've never used this sequential planting technique, so here is my current status. I included a slow version so you can view the RH movements. I also attempted (a few times) some faster arpeggios with accented strings.
Please review and let me know your comments. I want to make sure I'm moving in the right direction before proceeding further. Thanks!
Hi Evan, The general study of Arpeggios( Guiliani, Carlevaro, etc.) require a tremendous amount of time to practice properly. In order to significantly reduce the daily time required, what Arpeggio patterns are the most important and which cover the majority of key issues we will encounter in most repertoire? In other words, I'm looking for an effective shortcut. Thanks!
Hello Group 2 and Evan,
Here are two short videos - exercises 1 and 2, and the first few measures of the Giuliani etude. Working this slow is making me focus on the mechanics of each finger and also making sure that I don't cut of the ringing of string to string. It is harder than I had anticipated.
(My glasses are treated for blue screens/computers so they sometimes pick up a funny glow when recording.)
Martha Kreipke, St. Louis, MO
Hello Evan and Group 2, Attached is my attempt for Exercise 1 and 2, and Arpeggio for a few bars in Prelude number 4. You are right that the exercise requires concentration. It is so easy to default back to emphasising the bass note in the Prelude. (my apology that there is a lot of background noise in the recording, not sure the source).
Exercise 1 and 2
Arpeggio exercise - Prelude 4
Dear friends,
Please find the link for the TWI Check-In with Evan Taucher here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88165370223
The Check-In is Monday, October 24th at 10am PST.
See you tomorrow!