Week 1: Rhythmic Revelations 

Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of "Song and Dance" practice challenge!
Choose a piece that is inspired or transcribed from a song or a dance. It could be a lively south-american danza, a passionate tango, a serene romantic lied, or a poignant aria transcribed for the guitar. You're welcome to explore pieces from unfamiliar composers or challenge yourself with a complex work.
Commit to daily practice and share your journey with the community. Aim to practice every day and upload at least two videos each week to illustrate your progress. This will not only help you stay committed and encouraged but will also allow you to share your musical voyage with our tonebase family.
Share your favorite piece or recording that embodies the theme of "Song and Dance." Your submission will serve as an inspiration to others and create a vibrant pool of potential pieces for other members to delve into.
↓ Happy Sharing! ↓
Sor - Valse Op 47 No 6 (May 17 update)
Last time, I recorded this in three sections, and now I am able to put it all together. The C section (measures 17-24) still gives me the biggest problems (shifting to the wrong fret, hitting the wrong bass string, executing the slurs poorly).
This is definitely not the kind of piece that comes naturally to me. The fast tempo (for me), with practically no moments to take a breath and regroup, makes me feel very anxious when I am playing it.
Barrios - Danza Paraguya (after some good sleep)
I went into research mode and watched a bunch of other great performers und tried to decipher how they were getting around the constant stretchy and barred positions. And suddenly, it worked!
(and just for the fun of it, I've asked ChatGPT to improve the writing of my upper passage, and this is what came out of it:
"Mastering Barrios - The Paraguayan Dance (Post Restorative Slumber Session)
Following a rejuvenating bout of sleep, I found myself embarking on a fascinating journey into the realm of research, eager to unravel the nuances of classical guitar performances. Immersing myself in an array of performances by stellar artists, I sought to decode their approach to the enduring challenge of maintaining extended and barred positions.
A breakthrough moment arrived rather unexpectedly – an epiphany that had me comprehending their tactics, which, once seemed shrouded in complexity. It was a moment of triumph, a moment when the elusive dance of the strings suddenly started making sense.
Join me as I share this exploration of Barrios's captivating 'Danza Paraguaya', post an enlightening episode of much-needed slumber.")
Well this is my turn.
I am working on the Piece Minuet in A minor - Johan Kreiger using the TB course by Peter Graneis
There are 2 sections in the piece.
The first section (part 1) is played twice at the beginning and once after the second section
The second section in played only once but is more difficult ( well at least for me)
I can play now the first section without a score and at a speed of 70 bpm
I still need the score for the second section and I need to go at a much lower speed 55 bpm
Here are the separate videos of both parts. It still needs a lot of work but I still have a few weeks to work on it.