WEEK 1: Discovering J.S.Bach! 
Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the J.S.Bach Challenge! This is the place to post submissions of the first week!
- Make sure you've read the guidelines before replying (<- click)
- Watch the kickoff livestream for help with the first section!
If you want to describe your process (optional), feel free to use the following template.
- Things you found easy:
- Things you found difficult:
- (Optional): a video of you performing it!
- (Optional:) questions
↓ Reply below with your submissions and questions! ↓
Sinfonia (Arioso) from BWV 156 Mar 5
Here is an update after another day of practice. I'm playing it slower here, trying to pay attention to a few details that need improvement:
- With the right hand, I was trying to alternate fingers better. There is improvement from yesterday, but I am still repeating m too much. I notice it happens mostly when there is something more complex going on in the left hand, which makes sense. I would like to be able to alternate better as a default, without having to concentrate too much on it. Getting there slowly.
- With the left hand, I tried to clean up my trills a bit. I think this was pretty successful. They don't sound refined yet, but at least they are cleaner.
- In the last cadence, I tried to do a simple cross-string trill. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either. What I find most difficult is damping the upper auxiliary (in this case, the open G string) while playing a bass note with the thumb.
Dear Community,
my goal for this challenge is working on BWV998 and bring it back to live. I played it last time in 2009. At the Moment, it makes no sense to record a progress, because there still is not enough progress...
Today is the fourth day I`m working on it and it takes me eleven Minutes to play through all 77Bars of the FUGA
I had some Problems with my Wrist/Arm called "Tennisarm" since August 2021
.... now the Problems are nearly gone, but i do not want to have problems again and I trie to avoid too much stretching and overloading till my arm is 100% recovered, so changed some fingerings in bar 26 and 30 to make a "non stretching version"
Made my choice too, I will practice BWV 997, suite for lute. I will do the Gigue, which sounds really good to me. I found transcription by Frank Koonce, I will use that fingering. I found a nice video from Sanel Redzic which inspired me (link below) even if he uses another fingering. I had a first pass, guess my struggle will be on the trills and speed. Hope to post video soon!