New Year, New Goals!

Every New Year, we envision a different self that what we are now, and create our resolutions based on that image. Has it worked much? for most of us I think I can safely say "no"! But why? Why does that happen (and keep happening for some of us) and how can we actually set ourselves up for success? The answer is to ask yourself "What CAN I be?" rather than "What SHOULD I be?" In this workshop, we will be discussing how to make goals for the New Year that actually make sense for ourselves, and going over some examples of how to do so. Let's get both "evolving" and "resolving" together!

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    • Barney
    • Barney
    • 1 yr ago
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    Ashley (Ash) Lucero Hi Ashley,

    Thank you for this important session, which I watched later.

    Would you kindly post the practice tracking log form you mentioned?

    Happy holidays and happy new year!

    All the best,


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