Group 3
Improve your Left-Hand-Fitness with Slurs!
The Fitness of the left hand is responsible for how comfortable you feel on the guitar. Regular slur practice will improve your stability and agility and opens your hand for more fingering possibilities! Two Weeks, Fingers 1234, a gazillion different possibilites! Let me show you my workout tips for the left hand and let us improve together!
Fellow Participants in Group 3:
Tony Gunia
peter hancock
Nick Trani
Martha Kreipke
Oscar Leonardo Molina Sierra
Steven Liu
Some tonebase productions to get you started
Martin Zimny - Left Hand Workout with Villa-Lobos Etude #3
Martin Zimny - Getting Slurs Right from the beginning
Artyom Dervoed - Slurs from Nothing
How to get the most out of this course
- Start by watching the introduction video and practice the exercises given in the video.
- Write a post with your experiences with Slurs.
- At the same time, start practicing the first bars of Etude #3 by Villa-Lobos. If you are new to the piece, start with my livestream on this piece!
- Share two videos per week and help your course partners through feedback on their submissions!
Zoom Check-In: Friday, June 24th at 6 pm CET (9 am PT)
After the feedback from my first video I have been concentrating on the position of my left hand. Here is a short video of only exercises 1 and 2.
I have discovered that I need to recalibrate the the hammer-on slurs after making the change in my left hand position - especially for the 3rd and 4th fingers - to clearly hit the correct string at the fret wire. I feel It is worth taking the time to get this right, even if I don't make it through the rest of the exercises in the two weeks.
I included a copy of the etude# 3. I have a deformity of my 2nd finger joint (distal interphalangeal joint left hand) tip joint see diagram. This makes it almost impossible to hammer the high E string from an open E to a F# , I do not have this problem at other places its only when I have to hold the C on the 2nd string with my index finger, Any suggestions??