Interactive Class with Marina Krupkina: Ten Progressive Studies by Nikita Koshkin

We are super excited to have Marina Krupkina join our interactive class to give you exclusive musical and technical insights into the Ten Progressive Studies, specifically composed for tonebase subscribers! 👑 Are you as excited as I am? 🚀

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This will be an interactive Livestream, so let me attach all the info needed for this exciting new tonebase LIVE format!

What is this?

This interactive Livestream is our take on the cohort based learning model. We are used to learn in groups, we do that in school and in university, we do that when we interact in a community and learn from different perspectives. With new developments in online video communication software, we can bring this concept into tonebase and explore a new form of how you interact with our fantastic community!

What do I need?

  1. We are going to use ZOOM for the interactive part of Livestream (the same piece of software that we have been using for the Virtual Hangouts). While it is not necessary to download the software, I would recommend it as it runs more stable as the browser version.
  2. It's best to prepare for that lesson to get the most out of it in the interactive part! So listen to some of our fantastic release on 

How does this take place?

  1. Simply watch the Livestream at the time indicated in the Live Calender! 
  2. At the end of the approx. 25-35min Livestream, I will share a ZOOM Link in the Chat. Click on that link, it will take you to our ZOOM Cohort Based Course
  3. In the Zoom Call, we will get into greater depth about challenging passages of that piece, we can discuss certain fingering possibilities TOGETHER and YOU can get a full masterclass experience if you decide to take part with audio and video (not necessarily needed, more on that below)! 


  • Because we want to offer a place where true interaction can take place!
  • Because we want you to have the full masterclass experience!
  • Because we want you to truly engage with our inspiring and motivational community!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need to watch the Livestream before the interactive class?

While it is not mandatory to watch the Livestream, the link to the class will be only shared in the chat of the Livestream! As the contents of the Livestream are going to be interactively worked on and discussed, it's a great opportunity to get you up and running on that topic!

I want to be there and watch, but I don't feel comfortable taking part actively and share my audio and video. Can I still participate?

Of course! You can still enter the ZOOM class without audio and video. Though I highly recommend to see this Livestream more as university group lesson and - more importantly - a chance to have a meaningful interaction not only with me but with fellow tonebase users!

I want to participate with audio & video, but I don't like to be recorded.

The interactive class will not be recorded! In order to allow meaningful interaction to happen, we create this safe space, where you can fully immerse into a class. No single moment of the interactive class will be shared outside that virtual room! However, the Livestream prior to the interactive class will be recorded as usual and thus accessible after the Livestream happened.



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    • Brett Gilbertnull
    • Piano and classical guitar
    • Brett_Gilbert
    • 3 yrs ago
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    This is such an amazing opportunity, thank you Martin and tonebase!  Their duet video from which the promo image above is taken is beautiful (easy to find on youtube).  Since I'm also interested in more info about her 10-string guitar playing, I submitted a livestream suggestion for that since I know the focus of this will be the etudes. 

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      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Brett Gilbert Yeah, wonderful! I was also always intrigued by these instruments, I get totally confused if there's even one string more!

      We are super excited to start interactive classes with guests, I think that's a fantastic way for tonebase users to get invaluable insights for technique and repertoire!

      • Roni Glasernull
      • Classical guitarist and composer
      • roniglaser
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Martin I'm guessing Marina she's going to use the 10-string simply as the instrument she's used to, rather than doing anything different or extra with the studies?

      • martinTeam
      • LIVE
      • martin.3
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Roni Glaser Hi Roni! She played those studies in the Progress Track with a 6-string guitar, so I'm guessing she will use that for the Livestream! 🤘

    • martinTeam
    • LIVE
    • martin.3
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I hope all of you enjoyed this in-depth session with Marina and Kimchi, here's the link to the survey! 💪🚀🐈

      • Brett Gilbertnull
      • Piano and classical guitar
      • Brett_Gilbert
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Martin It was amazing!  Thank you for organizing this.   I tried to get a screen shot of Kimchi but the cat went off screen one second before I took this.  I was in a work meeting at the same time so couldn't really be on camera or ask any live questions 😎 

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