Basic Applied Analysis via Tarrega’s Prelude No. 5 (Jun 17) Questions / Suggestions
Join me on Thursday, June 17th as I walk you though the basics of harmonic and form analysis, how to dissect a piece down to its most basic building blocks to aid in furthering your knowledge and familiarity with the language of tonal harmony.
In this livestream, we will be analyzing Francisco Tarrega’s Prelude No. 5, one of our most popular lesson pieces on the platform. This short yet beautiful piece presents an excellent playground for us to explore the outskirts of tonal harmony.
Download Tarrega's Prelude no. 5 by clicking this text.
Tarrega was writing this music in the late Romantic Era, a time when composers were implementing increased chromaticism and complex themes. In his collection of preludes, Tarrega’s style of composing opens like a blooming rose as each prelude passes. Prelude No. 5 rests somewhere in a safe zone in which complexity and artistry remain subdued, yet effective.
Ashley Lucero teaches the basics of harmonic and form analysis via Francisco Tarrega’s “Prelude No. 5” and Francois Couperin’s “Les Baricades Mistérieuses”. Learn how to label harmonies, identify phrases, cadences, and sections, and even thematic material. Use this knowledge to gain a deeper insight into the connection between composer and performer.
Find the start time in your time zone by clicking the photo or following this event link:
We are going to be using this thread to gather suggestions and questions!
- What questions do you have about this topic?
- Any particular area you would like me to focus on?
Hello Ashley:
This sounds very interesting. Looking forward to watching this tomorrow as it will be 2 am for me when you go live.
Have a fun live!
About "Les Barricades Misterieuses":
- Which transcription will you use?
- Just curious, which transcription would you recommend / or is your favorite?
I'm using an arrangement by Jewgeni Smirnow (found on IMSLP.ORG) in C mayor.
Thank you, Ashley and Mircea, for a excellent presentation on how to analyze a music score. I really am drawn to these discussions. I earlier messaged that I am so interested in even deeper analysis. Many of the "tangents" you mentioned in today's session would be of great interest. I am starting to learning Julia Florida and Capricho Arabe. I consider these necessary for my Classical Guitar players membership card (joke). I would like to also know more about how to analyze Scarlatti Sonatas (K 322/L 483 and L 238/ K 208. Bach's Allemande BWV 996 is also of interest. I figure I need about 8 to 10 more demonstrations of scores analyzed to really help me. However, what I saw today was great. Very helpful in connecting dots. Grateful. Thank you for your hard work.
Hi Ashley, sorry I had to leave early last night, however I finished watching the livestream today. I really enjoyed it and I've already used what I learned to analyse a very simple Tarrega etude. As you said, there was a lot of information in the presentation and, whilst some parts I understand, I would love to learn more. Are there any books you recommend to you students?
Mircea asked for feedback about the session format - I liked it very much. It's good to have the pre-chat so everyone can join and connect and for me, holding the questions until the end allows the session to flow better. I also appreciated having a structure for the session, so well done!
Hi Ash,
Will you be able to post copies of the Scores with your structural notations indicated, along with your summary notes of the lesson? They would be very helpful as reference.
Your presentation and lesson content were great!! I look forward to the next lessons in this area to go deeper. thanks!!!
Howdy everyone! Thank you so much for attending my first harmonic analysis stream! I can't wait to do some more and to continually work to improve them. I have attached the outline notes and scores from yesterday's stream to this comment and above in the initial post.
Looking forward to reading through your questions and requests!