WEEK 1: Ho Ho Ho! 🎄

Welcome to the Main Thread for the first week of the Happy Holiday Challenge! 🎄 This is the place for the first week of submissions! 🥨

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  • Es ist ein Ros entsprugen (Lo How a Rose E're Blooming)

    I know the challenge has not officially kicked off yet, but I just can't help myself! Blame Martin - he's the one who posted the challenge before it starts. 🙂

    This is my own arrangement of a German Advent hymn. Enjoy!

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      • Brett Gilbertnull
      • Piano and classical guitar
      • Brett_Gilbert
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Amazing! I was just looking online for an arrangement of this as it's my favorite Christmas carol.  Some wonderful additions in your version.  If you are aware of any nice published arrangements of this please let me know.

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    • Brett Gilbert Thanks, Brett. It’s good to hear from you. I also went online to look, but I found nothing that I particularly liked, so I came up with this on my own. It’s basically just me noodling around.

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      • Brooke
      • Brooke
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Very pretty! Nicely done Eric!

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    • Brooke Thanks, Brooke!

    • Eric Phillips I have just enjoyed your music Eric! very nice

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    • Nora Torres-Nagel Thank you, Nora!

    • Eric Phillips So beautiful!!!

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    • Elizabeth Uyehara Thank you, Elizabeth!

      • ivan paolonull
      • amateur guitarist
      • ivan_paolo
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips  Bravo!

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    • Eric Phillips Great arrangement Eric!  Beautifully played as well

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    • Paul Kennedy Thanks, Paul!

  • El Noi de la Mare

    And here is Llobet's famous arrangement of this Catalan Christmas song. I found small variations in different editions, so I mixed and matched a bit, going with what I think sounds best and is most playable for me. My main focus was the wonderful melody, keeping it legato and beautiful.

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    • Eric Phillips 

      I adore this Carol - thanks for sharing you work on it.  Sounds well in your hands already!


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    • Rick Lord Thanks, Rick! You also play it very beautifully on your YouTube video.

      • ivan paolonull
      • amateur guitarist
      • ivan_paolo
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Eric Phillips Well done!

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    • Eric Phillips thanks for sharing it Eric! you play it already very nice ! thanks for sharing

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    • Nora Torres-Nagel Thank you, Nora!

    • Eric Phillips Beautifully played Eric! Very enjoyable.

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    • david robinson Thanks so much, David!

    • Eric Phillips I love this Carol,  I too have several versions.  I like yours very much. Thank you for posting

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    • Paul Kennedy Thank you, Paul. I figure it's an arrangement, so I feel okay taking a few liberties.

    • Derek
    • Derek
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I have always meant to learn La Nit de Natal so here is my excuse. I started this morning will keep you updated.  I've also got an arrangement of a traditional English Carol 'Tomorrow will be my Dancing Day' arranged by one of my old guitar teachers so will have a go at that.

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    • Derek Nit de Natal is a great choice, Derek. Emmanuel has a livestream lesson on it that might be helpful. I look forward to hearing you play it!

    • ivan paolonull
    • amateur guitarist
    • ivan_paolo
    • 2 yrs ago
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    For me this has always been the time of snow, of stories, of fairy tales. So I'd like to share these songs with you:
    Snowflight (A.York)
    When you wish upon a star (arr. N.Takeuki)
    The wiz (R.Dyens)

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