Seeking some advice on full Barre with stretch - Jeux Interdits

The above is from "A Spanish Romance" also known as Jeux Interdits.  In measure 10, the circled part shows the strecth from CVII to using the pinky for D#.  When I play this stretch, the F# on the second string 7th fret gets muted in the full Barre.  I am trying to apply the principles taught by Martin in the Barre livestream workshop from some time back.  Any tricks or tips to get past this muted note while playing this measure.  Any stretch exercise or lessons you could recommend.  



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    • Ralf
    • Ralf.1
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Haven't you received an answer yet?

      • martinTeam
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      • martin.3
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Ralf Oooh, I forgot about that! I think I have covered that together Srinath Subrahmanyan in our first interactive masterclass which was optimized for Asian time zones?

      The basic principle that helps for this kind of barred chords is to imagina that you're playing the barrée until an imaginary 7th string, that way you're reaching further down the fretboard with your index finger and have the second joint on the crucial second string(since you're index finger is slightly rotated in order to leverage between index and thumb)!

      • Ralf
      • Ralf.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      martin - thank you very much for replying to me. I've found the video - great! 

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